"And the hits just keep on comming!"

When it rains, it pours. Wednesday morning before going to my Job Workshop thing, I got a nice early Valentine from my Landlord taped on my door...True, I've been fallen behind on the rent, but I've been giving as much as I can, but obviously it's not enough. Now, I thought I could catch up a bit on the rent with my Tax Refund, but it's the middle of feburary and I haven't recived my w2, yet! Knowing the Housing Court procedure, I decided to wait a few days before making my offical response at the courthouse. I had to get my W2 and file my taxes, stat!

My last job was a temp assignment, and the agency is all the way in Scarsdale, despite the job being in the city. So I give the agency a call and they said the W2 came back "Return to Sender". That made no sense, They managed to mail my last few paystubs after my assignment was completed, how could they get my address wrong? I pleaded with some stuck up asian woman in payroll who insisted that I pick it up in person. I told her where I lived and asked her nicely to resend it again, The address was correct, the aprtment number was on there, it must of been a mistake. The bitch gave me so many excuses, but agreed relunctantly. I don't know what's wrong with people...A document as important as a w2 and she wasn't willing to help me out.

So, I'm going to this Job thing to keep the unemployment checks comming, having problems with my taxes WHILE in the process of getting evicted, what can be worst?...

Answer!...My mother gets a call saying she's been accepted for a Rent-Controlled apartment that she applied for back in 2003. Since me and my sister left, Mom's barely been able to pay the skyrocketing rent of the 2 bedroom place the entire family's been living in within the past 30 years. She has tried to even things out by taking in a roommate, but after 2 lousy deadbeats, she's given up. She believes that one of us (Me or My sister and her daughter) will fail in our attempts of living on our own and move back in. At this point things are looking that dark for me. So, while thinking of the possibility of moving back in mom comes up, this New Apartment thing pops up to make things worst.

So, how do I handle all these fucked up events in my life at the start of the new year?...One day at a time...at this moment in time I'm praying for a quick and painless death to occur at any moment. Like maybe a car will hit me as I'm saving some kid's life on the street corner.

So, I do the whole Job Workshop thing, get some new insights, but learn nothing new. I'm told now I gotta list the job positions I've applied for and go back in 3 weeks. I don't how my sister's been getting away with all this and has yet to get a stable job (But continues to get help from the city) in the last 3 years (I guess her being a single mother has something to do with it.).

Tonight, JOE calls me and says he finally got the program working, but his first attempt to copy a DVD (Aliens vs. Predator...Ohhh, GOOOD CHOICE, not!) failed. He explained to me that the program was discontinued in 2003, and there haven't been any other DVD burning programs released since then. (The price of DVD burners going down and all...) So, in order for him to crack the progam, he had to set his system clock back and do a whole bunch of other tricks to fool the software copyright. With that said, I gave him a theory that since the software was discontinued in 2003, there's a good chance it will only COPY DVD's from that year and back! And any DVD from 2004 would have other safeguards that old programs couldn't get by to duplicate. It was a sound theory (I'm such a genius!) so JOE has decided to give up quest for the moment which will give me some free time to myself wallow in my misery.

I had another long chat session with my meetup group members. I've been feeling some regret about not speaking with my friend upstate, I still read her online journal from time to time, I'm sure she's forgotten about me by now, I'm such a heel...life sucks.



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