"Bionics On!"

Boy, I don't know if it was the Cheerios at 3am, or the Doritos after midnite, but my stomach was killing me when I woke up this morning. I was zoning in and out all morning till 2pm, I went out to pay some bills. The weather was actually nice today so I walked around for a bit. When I got home there was a long awaited treat waiting for me in my mailbox. My bootleg VCDs of episodes of the classic cartoon, "Bionic Six" finally arrived. (I'm such a geek).

But seriously, who doesn't remember coming home from school waiting till 3:30 (Right after "BraveStarr"!) to spend time with Jack, Helen, Eric, Meg, Bunji, and J.D.? The Bennet family were the best TV Family since The Bradys, and without the sugar coating. I don't know why the series hasn't come out on offical DVD yet, but I couldn't wait till then, I needed my "Bionic Fix" satisfied now, damnit!

This bubble-gum operation of a website (Which will remain nameless in order to prevent others to be victimized) promised me 22 VCD's for the entire 65 episode run. I ordered it back on MLK weekend and after 2 weeks, I sent a email to customer service. In time they replied that they sent the package and submitted an inquiry to the Post Office that didn't turn up any results so they sent me another set. I finally get the set today only to find 6 CD's inside. After checking that they work on my PC (4 episodes each! for a total 24 freakin' episodes!) I sent a follow-up email acknoledging reciving the second package, but didn't make a stink of the missing 16 CDs. I just cut my losses and was thankfull I'd gotten something to relive my childhood.

Mom called at around 6pm to ask if Indiana was happy with scratching post we brought sunday, and I had to tell her that I haven't opened it yet (Lazy Les, Lazy Les...). I really have clean up the place. I'm thinking of redoing the kitchen floor next week. Anyways, mom call and tells me my crazy sister is bothering her again with her own problems. Apparently, my sister tried to do her taxes and found out someone has claimed her daughter already. This happens every year and we don't know who's doing it. My sister is the only one who has my niece's social secrity card and birth certificate. We suspect it's someone from the baby's father family down in North Carolina, but at the rate things are going we'll never figure it out.

I went online trying to find a cool wave of the croaking sound the long haired ghost from "The Grudge". Couldn't find it anywhere! Had IM chats with JOE and my new friend upstate for a bit. JOE clued me in on a site where they had pics of Hip Hop Video Vixen Vida Guerra, but I had seen them already (I fell in love with her BEAUTIFUL, glorious buttocks last year with various issues of KING and FHM). JOE is always a bit behind on the times, he didn't even know that Vida was dating Giants football player Jeremy Shockey. Seeing those pics though was giving me all those tingly feelings and having the M.F. (Mastberbation Fairy) barking in my ear...

After catching up with my other IM friend (Our chat was a bit short tonight, and she didn't give me any indication that I was missed, guess I'm gonna have to take a couple of days off the IM scene and see what happens.) I did some more journal and blog surfing then went to bed.

I saw this on someone else's journal and thought i'd be keen...

Your Icecream Flavour is...Chocolate!
You are the all time favorite, chocolate! Turning white kids black since the 1800s. Staining carpets, car seats, and bed sheets for centuries. One thing is for sure, you will never go out of style. You can't go wrong with chocolate!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

We are a family!
I fight for them,
And they fight for me.
As close as we can be
High in the mountains,
Or deep in the sea...

Bionic, Bionic Six!

We are together!
We fight for right!
Bionic, Bionic Six!

We are so proud to be
A super-future family...

A family!
Brought together by fate
And given super-powers
through the miracle of modern science!

Bionic, Bionic Six!

We are together
We fight for right
Super-future family
And we're so very proud to be
Bionic Six!



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