Boxes, lead to Sex!?

I went to my court appointments Tuesday and Wednesday and my situation looks bleek. The lawyer explained to me that I was in over my head and with no job prospects in sight, I really wouldn't qualify for any arrears grants (Why would they give money to someone to save him from eviction if he doesn't have a stable job and will just fall behind on the rent again?). The few options I had were to...

A) Find a steady job and fast! I had to prove to the landlord and others that I could pay some or all of the money in question if I had help.


B) Make a deal, cut my losses and move out within a certiain time so the Landlord can find someone else to take the place.

My next court date was the 1st (of March) so the pressure was on to do something.

It was looking more and more that I was going to end up moving back in with mom by the end or the middle of March and I didn't know how to react to that fact. I planned to make an life altering decision over the weekend if things didn't change.

It snowed again Wednesday night so the city was beginning to look like Philly. Yesterday I had an appointment with a temp agency that JOE referred me to. I went through the whole ordeal of skills testing that drained me. It was nice to know that I could still type at a decient speed. I was told that my resume would be sent to all their clients and if they wanted to call me up, I would be contacted. I also got my final set of Bionic Six VCD's (So that website wasn't so crooked after all. I also brought my HEAT Special Edition DVD and looked at some of the featurettes at mom's house.

So, today looks like it'll be just another day and turns out to be mindblowing!!!

Where to begin...

Well at 11am, I got a call from a healthcare company I sent my resume to monday and set up an appointment for Thursday March 3rd (due to the fact that I had other appointments on the 1st and 2nd!). I didn't realize though that my 1st Quickbooks class is also on Thursday, but it's in the evening so hopefully the interview won't interfere. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed working in healthcare enrollment, so much so that I called my old company and said hi to those who remembered me. I guess having that IM Monday had me thinking about that line of work again.

So, it's after 2pm now and thinking about my housing situation I get it my head that I should prepare for the worst, so I go on craigslist and start looking for moving boxes. People give them out the minute they move so I figued I could go to a few places and pick up some. I reply to a few messages and my eye goes wandering again...

Once again I find myself staring at the face of an angel, my brazillian temptress has posted yet another ad offering her "services". My mind just clicked then, it was the 3rd time and this time I had the money and with everything that was going on, logic just flew out of the window. THIS WAS IT! I had to meet her.

I was torn at first. I mean, I've NEVER, EVER, would have dreamed I'd be doing this. My sexual expirences have been once every new president! (George Bush back in '93 and Clinton '99) I was determined, though. At first I tried to talk myself out of it and see a movie instead, but by 3pm there was no good showtime in any of my theaters to make me go. By 6, I was really losing it, really on some Tyler Durden "Fight Club" type shit! I decided to make the final decision the only way I knew how...Chance! The law of averages, after all they didn't call me "Two-Face" for nothin' (The Batman Villian, not the backstabbing kind of two face.).

So I grabbed a quarter (An old one, not one of those state ones.) and called it..."HEADS" I'd do it..."TAILS" I'd wouldn't....I fliped the coin....

It came up "TAILS"...

Well that was it, game over, on with life, yadda, yadda, yadda

Or so I thought....

It was 6:45pm now, I checked back on craigslist. The orginal 4pm Ad disappeared, so I thought it was fate, she probably booked the whole evening, it just wasn't meant to be.

Ten minutes later...she reposted.

My God, I was flipping now. I needed a second opinion. So I let the TV make the choice for me (Crazy ain't I?!?!?!). The first of two Simpsons episodes was almost over so I called it to the TV...If the next episode was from a Season with an EVEN number (Second, Fourth, etc, etc...) I'd DO IT...and ODD season I'd wouldn't (Somebody get me a straitjacket!!!). So, 7pm comes around and it turns out to be a "Treehouse of Horror" Halloween special...#7! I thought that was it, I'd wouldn't do it, but I checked the episode guide and it turns out the "Treehouse" episodes didn't start till the SECOND season, so #7 was in the EIGHTH season! It's FATE!!!!

It's 7:45pm now, and I'm REALLY going nuts! If there were a song playing in the background it would be the song that goes "Should I stay or should I Go?!" I was split on two games of chance, One for YES, one for NO...I needed the tiebreaker, the ULTIMATE decision maker. Thinking of my fave. X-Men (Gambit), I fished out a deck of cards and shuffled them...(yeah, I'm crazy folks, I get it...). So, at 7:47pm I hold the deck in front of me. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote..."ODD - YES, EVEN - NO...RED - YES, BLACK - NO". This was it, the ultimate choice...can you feel the tension!

I took a breath and picked the top card....

"King of Diamonds"

I used solitare rules (Jack-11, Queen-12, King-13) and that did it for me, ODD and RED the double affrimative.

It took ten minutes before I picked up the phone, I was so FREAKING scared! I called the number and played it mad cool, doing my best Robert DeNiro imitation. I said the time, they told me the area she would be in, I was told to confirm when I got nearby. I left the house a little after 9pm, it was 28 degrees outside and my brow was actually sweating! I psyching myself the whole trip downtown, but I was scared as hell. What if this was police sting, what if it's bait and switch robbery hustle, what if, what if?!?!

I made it to the area and confirmed my "appointment", I arrived at the place in question and had no problem getting to the right room. The door was cracked open to welcome me in. I walked in and she was there, exactly like her pictures in the ad. I half expected a different hairstyle (A wig, etc) or something, but there she was...perfection in the flesh. We greeted each other and tried to relax. She was just as nervious as I was for the same reasons. I could have been a cop busting her, and my size was enough to spook her for a second. She made a light joke that I was priest because I was dressed in black with a banded collar shirt. I told her I wasn't, and we talked a little bit, hammered out the details. (How long for how much, etc, etc...). Her room was nice, a flatscreen TV, dim lights, a regular Holidaye Inn (Where chingy and snoop?).

I'm not going to get into specifics on this blog so to quote Mr. Cheeks in "Renee"...

"She started feeling on my chest
I started feeling on her breasts
And there's no need for me to stress the rest"

I just wanna say, when one has sex as rare as someone like take note of everything that was going on at the time. What song was on the radio, what was on the TV, who died that day, or whatever. And while me and her were at it, "John Q" was on TNT so now that movie is always going to be associated with sex and I was wondering if that's going to be a problem for me. I also like to say, for a third time (They say you always remember your first and maybe your second, I honestly prefer not to considering how each relationship ended) it was GREAT! It was scary and enjoyable at the same time, that thrill of doing something so...I guess you'd had to be there. I mean, the last time I did it it was scary and spontaneous due to the fact that I was living with my mom at the time and it was the day I introduced my Ex to the family. We went in my room and turned the music up real loud (I was supposely making her a DJ Tape), and even though the door was locked, the whole family was in the house (Mom, Sis, the baby, and even the Baby's father!). As loud as the music was, we did it like church mice, too scared to make a sound. How does one have sex like that?!?!? I guess it's true with what they say, Sex gets better with every expirence. We took seprate showers afterwards, and if anyone out there reads this, Yes we did use condoms, I'm not about to become a statistic!

I had brought my digital camera along and offered her 60 dollars to pose for some pictures, but she wasn't hearing it. She hated taking pictures despite the ones she did for her ad. I respected her wishes and then I asked her if she operates in the same area (In her past ads, she's had at least 2 different contact numbers.) she said yeah and I took the card of the place so I could remember it (I'm into taking business cards.) and was on my way. We parted on nice terms.

On the walk home, I had an euphoric moment. All the past moments and situations seemed to just disappear. The eagles losing the super bowl, my job situation, the apartment thing, possibility of moving back with my mom, everything. All my worries just went on break for awhile. I kept looking at the sky at all the stars as I walked. I was on a high! I wanted to smoke a cigarette and just sit on a park bench for a couple of hours. I wandered around till I passed Madison Square Garden then walked up 32nd Street to 6th Avenue and walked near the Mahattan Mall. I stopped at a cookie store (Mrs. Fields?) that was nearby. It triggered a memory of me always meeting my ex here for all our dates, damn that chick did me wrong. I wasn't thinking about it though, I hopped on the train and floated to my home.

I couldn't believe what I did tonight, I felt so...alive! Like I just won Fear Factor or something. Now, I know whoever reads this may judge me as doing something wrong but figure this...

Men would not have to pay women for sex if they just treated them nice instead to trying to get them to pay their bills and accuse them of cheating on you with one of her girlfriends when women just say that to break up the relationship. You see the HBO specials, Cathouse, and all that. It's legal in amsterdam and in vegas becuase they are the few places on this earth where society can accept it.

So, if I had to do over would I do it again?, Yes. WILL I do it again?, I don't know. But all I know now is that this city, is not such a bad place to live in tonight, and if I don't have sex for another 6 years, I can deal with that.

"You okay, Jim?...How do you Feel?"

"Young...(sighs), I Feel..Young." (Kirk in "Star Trek II:Wraith of Khan")



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