"Meetup at MoMA"

Woke up nice and early for a saturday morning. After weeks and weeks of planning and chatting, I was going to my first meetup today. I'm in 12 and I always chicken out of going. Sometimes I'd go all the way down to where it would be held and just stalk out the entrance and go home. Well I wasn't going to do that this time! We were suppose to meet at 10:30am, I got there around 10, did a lot of walking around the entrance, left to right, right to left. It was a pretty cold morning, but it didn't bother me, it DID make me think that no one else was going to show. Thankfully, I was proven wrong, the meetup orginaizer made it, a cute young lady named Lynn. I introduced myself with my nickname and she didn't ask for my real name (Which was cool) and we talked for a bit while waiting for more members. Only one other came, a guy from white plains (I forgot his name). We entered the museam and got immersed with the exhibits and the crowd of tourist shuffling along and getting in our way. The place is like grand central on a weekday morning. We were able to enjoy seeing some neat things like Swords, guns, armor, sculptures, and a few HUGE paintings (I mean BIG! You would need a ladder or something to paint 'em!) but the people there really killed the mood. The three of us reminded of me of "Ferris Bueler's Day Off" when they went to the museam. We talked about our lives and what to do for the next meetup and yadda, yadda, yadda. At 12 noon, the guy left and it was me and lynn till for another hour and a half. It took us forever to find the exit out of the place. We ended up in the parking garage in the basement at first before finding the correct way out. Lynn had another meetup at 2pm so I told her where she could catch the train downtown while I took the uptown bus for the scenic way home.

I did some food shopping before coming in and then called mom to say hello. I mentioned going out to Long Island and seeing JOE sunday and she warned me that it was gonna snow sunday night around the time I'd be coming back to the city so I changed their mind (I gotta start looking at the news). I did some surfing and discovered that MOBY's latest album was already out in the underground mp3 market. I had no idea the MOBster was working on a follow up to his last two classics, PLAY and 18. I LOVE moby, the guy is a genius. I went to Amazon.com to confirm the offical release date (March 22nd) and downloaded the entire album with baited breath! I plan to buy the album offically anyway, but I coudln't resist a sneek peek. I also saw Jennifer Lopez's album, I wasn't really impressed by her latest single, but I was desparate for music and downloaded anyway. I spent the rest of the evening listening to the future...the album is great! I hope he goes on tour around the city again!



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