"Omnium Finis Imminet" WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!?!

So, I wake up right? It's a little before 8am, and who do I see on the Today show? J to the HELL-OH!...The beautiful Miss Lopez performing live in the cold city streets of New York. Cool! I dig the whole dancin-with-the-cane Thing, but that clarinet loop on the hook gets annoying after 30 seconds. After breakfast and a shower, I head out early to pick up old trenchcoat from MOM's house. It's a very old school style coat that I usually wear on easter sundays, funerals or in this case, Job Interviews in the middle of winter. On the way back to the bronx I came across some weird billboards on the subway platform that had the words "Omnium Finis Imminet" printed on them. I then remember seeing a TV spot during last night's Law and Order that flashed the same message. What the hell did this mean? I knew it was latin, but I didn't know the translation. I was fixed on these billboards so much I missed a train going back home and had to wait 10 minutes for another.

When I got back to my neghborhood, I stopped by my usual barber for a shape up. My hair was a bit of a mess from the hatchet job by a lousy barber down at 145th street I got a few weeks ago. I got back at 12:30 and prepared for my interview at 3:30. I dug up my old job history to refresh my memory. I had my references lined up and their contact numbers, I'm was pretty sure this interview would be a cinch. I picked up my suit from the cleaners (thank god there were no problems there!) and left the house decked out at 2:20. After seeing more "Omnium Finis Imminet" billboards on the train ride down, I arrived at Union Square in no time. The city was brisk today, and my trench felt good over my suit. I always liked wearing a trench, it reminds me of Dick Tracy.

I arrived at the building for the interview early (Which is good, becuase normally I get to my job appointments right on time). I went in and did the routine paperwork and then waited, and waited, AND waited. To prevent from falling into a coma, I occupied my mind by checking out the place. I saw a punch clock machine on the wall indicating they had the same annoying Time-Card system to track your hours as my last healthcare firm did. The staff that went in and out through the lobby were casually dressed for a Thursday (thank god! I hate the whole "Shirt and Tie" flow!). The reseptionist was a complete and total @$$hole who looked like he didn't know what he was doing. After MORE waiting I finally met the Human Resources Recruiter. We talked about my work history, and then she explained the position in question.

The job seemed up my alley as an Enrollment Specialist, but there was a downside. Aside from usual enrollment duties, part of my job would be to manage their file room. That is keep track of all files accessed by other enrollment staff (Up to 15 people, which is unheard of!) and make sure they are kept in order. Now in the last two places I worked, they had file clerks to handle that. They wouldn't just merge both tasks on one person. And I was wondering with the other 15 enrollment staff members on the floor, did I have to keep track of every file they borrowed and make sure they'd bring back, or did I have to hunt them down in case something went wrong. It felt they were giving me too much responsibility, UNLESS I shared the file management tasks with at least two other people. I didn't want to be the only one in charge of working the file room WHILE doing the enrollment jobs of Data Entry and Eligibility. Natually, I didn't display my concerns to the recruiter, but I did asked a few questions about hours and salary that she didn't quite answer due to the fact that there were more applicants she had to review. (Ho-HUM!). I was told if they were intrested in me that I would hear from them next week and that was it.

I don't know why I expected something else? What where they gonna do? Say "Well this is swell, Les...can you start monday?". You go in every job interview thinking that and IT NEVER FREAKING HAPPENS! When I left the building with was quarter to 5, which means they had me waiting for over a hour! And for what?, "um, we'll see, check with us next week!, Bye!" What a fucking joke! I almost thought about my Quickbooks class that would had started today at 6:15. The interview didn't give me enough time to go home and change, so it's a good thing it did get cancelled. How cool would it be though to show up for a night class in a suit on the first day? So, I got back home by 6pm and natually MOM called to ask how it went and I told her. Since my mom studied latin, I asked her what "Omnium Finis Imminet" meant, she didn't know. (So much of cathloic school!)

While looking at Survivor I surfed the web and found out the phrase means "The End is Near." It was some kind of religious prayer talking about the apcolypse (damn can I get a spell check, here?). There were theories out there saying it's a publicity stunt for the new Tom Cruse movie "War of the Worlds", OR some TV Miniseries on NBC. Whatever it is, it causing more buzz than Godzilla did with all those crazy ads. I ended the night reading BLOGS and watching late night TV. I don't know what was worst, the fact that the interview was a washout or that I became obsessed with some latin phrase I read on the subway.

"Omnium Finis Imminet" (The end is near....S'yeah right!)



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