"Zero Hour"

Well, the info in that last post has been the only good news I 've recieved this week. The people from last weeks interview never called me back, Wednesday afternoon, The executive staffing agency JOE referred me to called about an assignment at the Bank of New York (Where JOE actually works at!) to see if it was the kind of work I was looking for. I was told my resume would be forwarded to them and they would reply back by monday if I got the position.

They never called.

Which makes me almost wonder about my resume. I know no one's reading this (Well, actually my one and only reader has returned, so I know now, that at least 1 person is out there...) but I felt obligated to post my work history here for a different opinion...

OBJECTIVE: To work where I can use my experience to benefit the company and allow myself to grow. (Yeah I know it's corny, but it's all I got...)



4/2004-11/2004 Data Operator

• Prep Documents to be scanned
• Scan Documents for imaging database system
• Quality Checking for scanned documents


10/2001-3/2004 Enrollment Associate

• Determinations of Family Health Plus applications
• Procession and Referral of FHP/MA Eligible apps to LDSS
• Minor Customer Service duties over the phone
• Data Entry of Child Health Plus applications


8/2000-10/2001 Enrollment Representative

• Verification of Child Health Plus applications
• Determinations of health insurance benefit packages
• Data entry of Child Health Plus applications


11/98-9/2000 Check Encoder

• Encoding Checks for the Department of Finance


8/97-2/99 Litigation support specialist

• Printing Company Mail and Memos from Outlook
• Scanning legal documents using Slipscan Software
• Coding important data of legal documents
• OCR Clean-up of coded documents


Introduction to Business/C.I.S.

(I'm not revealing the exact time in case someone out there tries to look me up.)


SKILLS: Computer literate, Software experience: Windows 98 and XP, Excel, Word, WordPerfect, Dbase, Microsoft Access, HTML, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Access, Typing speed: 45 WPM, Numeric Data Entry: 9600, Alphanumeric Data Entry: 9000, Check Encoding IPH: 400, Document Scanning Threshold:12,000 per 8 hour shift.

See?, An expert in Document Scanning, slash Healthcare Enrollment Guru, who wouldn't hire me?!?! I live for Data Entry, entering records all day with no work politics, no drama, no one out to get me because they see me as a threat to their advancement, just put me behind a desk and pay me at least 14 dollars an hour, it that so fucking hard?!?! Apparently, it is.

Well, I've out of time, anyway. The lawyers at Legal Services called me finally. After comparing notes with my landlord, they found that I was trully behind on the rent by an accurate amount and had till the 15th to pay it all in full. I couldn't believe the lawyers made that agreement without my knowledge. I had no where NEAR the money to pay and they have not helped me with any grants or any kind of assistance due to my situation. A lawyer's aide had called me to inform of this and was suprised I didn't know. The aide told me if I had a job by monday, they could stall again, but by then I was convinced that I'd be moving back in with MOM. I told the aide to tell my reppresentative to make a deal with the landlord to have me move by the end of this month. The aide explained that if I didn't pay the money by the 15th, a new court date would be set, but it would most likely be in April! I told them I didn't want to wait till then, but their optimistic thinking wanted to wait and see if I got a job by then before doing anything.

Well, so much for that. These social workers are really a piece or work. They've done nothing but psychoanalyze me for their damn social science statistics and given me a false sense of hope while stalling for time thinking the problem was going to work itself out. And now, here I am, at the end of it all, preparing to make one of the worst decisions in my life. It's enough to make ya think.

All I did was sleep today, which is not good because I won't sleep tonight. (Maybe I should go somewhere after doing this entry...) I stirred up at 7pm and made myself dinner (or breakfast) and organized the place a bit, telling myself to do an inventory of all my stuff for the movers. I was going to use professionals this time, the first time I moved, I had a few friends help me. *SIGH*, I've been getting emotional lately, sitting in thise house all day from 9 to 5 waiting for a call, looking at daytime TV, downloading other TV shows, listening to depressing music, I'm really losing it. I dowloaded an old episode of "X-Files" I always wanted to see, an episode in the 7th season called "Closure". I wasn't a big fan of the show, but I heard that the episode used one of MOBY's most moving song from his album, "PLAY". Anyways, the episode had Mulder find out the truth about his sister who disappeared, it had been a major story arc in the series. So anyway, the finale of the episode had Mulder walking through this field at night in slow motion, while spirits of children play around like it was a playground during a school day. Then the song "My Weakness" played in the background. Mulder then sees his sister's spirit, still a teenager and she hugs him. The scene was so deep, I actually went to tears.

It's something about that song (It's going to be playing in my head for weeks now...), "My Weakness". It's been used a few times before. In the movie "Any Given Sunday", when Jamie Foxx makes the diving Over-the-Top Touchdown in the end, and in the Val Kilmer Tweaker Film, "The Salton Sea". Moby's a genius, his music is getting more and more exposure as it's used in film and televison. I even saw him on this week's episode of "The Apprentice", he's really trying to get out there and promote the new album. I've been searching to see if he's doing a midnight release party like he did for his last album, "18" (Which I went to, by the way!), but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. Ah, well. Moby at Webster Hall will be awesome, probably better than the concert I saw at the Hammerstein, way back when. It's the only bright thing I'm looking forward to so far, because I know the next couple days are going to be hell for me.

Scully:"Mulder what happened?, Are you sure you're all Right?"
Mulder:"I'm Fine...I'm Free."



  • At 9:00 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Hey, well first off-you need to church your resume up a wee bit. Try
    http://resume.monster.com/ to help get you started. Really need to play up those jobs you've had before. Instead of one liners about your job duties-really elaborate and over emphasize them. Did you graduate from college? Are you still going? Sorry to hear this has been a crappy month for ya-would moving home with your mom be a bad thing? You guys get along? Huge lifestyle change, but if you get along well with your mom and you can stay there til you get on your feet-might not be a bad thing for a bit. I did that once after I was on my own for a while. It wasn't a bad thing, just made me more determined to make it on my own and get out. Do you have friends you can go stay with? Hmmm...it'll all work out you'll see. Everything will be alright. Take another look at your resume and start there-again, church it up. Face to face interviews-church yourself up. I have never interviewed for a position I didnt get and I honestly believe it was my attitude that got me the job. I spoke with confidence, looked em straight in the eye, and reviewed answers. Here's another web site for you to review. I always had a hard time with "what are your weaknesses". Anyways, give this a looksey too. http://www.datsi.fi.upm.es/~frosal/docs/25mdq.html
    It's the top 25 job interview questions.

    Good luck to ya! I'll keep ya in my prayers.


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