"Take Five"

I first heard Dave Brubeck's infamous jazz song, "Take Five" back in 1995. I was working for the library and his song was used in a series of TV commercials for Lexus starring movie star Johnathan Pryce. The tune stood out and was catchy, it just stays in your head. I thought it was just another jingle till mom told me it was a very old and famous jazz song. She didn't know the title, all she knew that it was by a piano player named Dave Brubeck. I looked him up and used the library's records to find his "Best of" CD's and one track was common in all of them, "Take Five". I checked out a CD and listened to it when I got home, and when the track came on, I was taken to another level of music appreciatition. It's like seeing snow for the first time in your life, you gaze and wonder at it and it stays with you. I mean before Brubeck, all I liked was rap, hip-hop, and r&b, I had no idea what jazz was about. And that one song started me on a journey to discover his other works and when I updated myself with entire history, I said to myself, "Wouldn't it be great to see him perform live?". In the summer of 1999, while dating my ex, that dream came true. While that expirence was the most memorable (Due to the company at the time...) the few times I've seen him peform have been just as magical.

At the elderly age of 85, the master of West Cost Piano Jazz still has it. He tours around the world playing at least 16 concerts a year, releases new albums every 2 years of so, and has no intention of quitting anytime soon.

This was my fourth time seeing him, third in Carnegie Hall, he's always included in the JVC Jazz Festival. I hiked up the four stories to the balcony seats this time (I really couldn't afford a 75.00 floor seat this year.) and the view was something out of Yankee Stadium, bit it was worth it.

The song "Take Five" is still popular these days, It's been heard in movies like "Belly", and "Constantine" and even TV shows like "ER" and "The West Wing".

After the concert I walked around a bit, then went home. It would have been nice to had an "appointment" to meet someone, but things are not going my way...*sigh*....Guess I'll haveta Take Five....



  • At 7:19 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    no pictures?

    i dont know who this person is-but i'll google 'em...i know i know...i'm a country bumpkin...i know nothing of jazz.


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