"Copied some more..."

I guess I have nothing intresting to blog so I'm swiping stuff from others...

A is for Age - 29
B is for Booze - Nope
C is for Career - Um, lemme get back to ya on that...
D is for Dad's name - Biological Father-William Adopted Father-Tommy; don't ask, it's a long story...
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party - 2 Liter bottle of Sprite
F is for Favorite Song of the Moment - "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do - Baby talk to my cat.
H is for Hometown - Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York!
I is for Instrument You Play - Recorder
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like - Neither, I'm a Peanut Butta man, man.
K is for Kids - Nada
L is for Living Arrangement - Oy, Vey do you really need to ask?
M is for Mom's Name - Marietta, everyone calls her Betty
N is for Names of Best Friends - Joe, Omar, and Trevor
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays - Never
P is for Phobias - My fear is going over the edge
Q is for Quote You Like - "We want to hurt no one, we're after the bank's money not your money, your money insured by the federal government you're not going to lose a dime." Robert DeNiro in "Heat"
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest - The first, 3 years in high school.
S is for Siblings - Just one, Psycho-Sis.
T is for Texas, ever been? - Uh, No.
U is for Unique Trait - The Birthmark, chicks dig it like the Batmobile.
V is for Vegetable You Love - Poe-tay-toes, "Boil'em, Mash'em, Stick'em in a Stew!"
W is for Worst Trait - Definately Anti-Social
X is for X-rays you've had - Um, I had a MRI done after faking a dodgeball injury in the 7th grade, when they found nothing wrong with me, my mom was furious!
Y is for Yummy Food You Make - French Fries, from scratch!
Z is for Zodiac Sign - Libra-Libran people seek aesthetic pleasure, balance in relationships and a harmonious environment. And although you can always see both sides of any issue, this often leads down the slippery slope to procrastination and vacillation.



  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I didn't know ya had a cat. I don't know what a recorder is...I'll find out.


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