
Yesterday morning, I leave the house for work like around 7:30am. While waiting at the Bus Stop (Yeah, I'm taking the bus downtown to work now, I take the damn train anymore...), My Cell phone starts playing "porcelain" by moby indicating I got a new voice message, I dial up my voicemail and here's what I hear...

"Hey Bud, it's me mom, your cat did something with the bookcase. After you left I hear him "Meowing, and Meowing" and then a loud crash. I open the door and see all the books from your bookcase on the bed, I guess the shelves collapsed or something...Oh, well, 'Bye....CLICK."

I just stood there frozen shock, I had the replay the message. I didn't know wheather I should go to work or turn around and go home and check the damage. My decision was made when the bus arrived and I went on to work.

After work, I made a bee-line back uptown! If my cat was responsible in some "Garfield-The Movie"-like mishap, I was ready to KILL HIM! I got home and opened the door to my room...oh, it was terrible...I almost wish I took a picture so I could have put it up on the blog. The only shelves that were still intact were the top one and the bottom two, everything else from the middle three shelves was, was...damn near everywhere. I...I just wanted to cry. These books, that I worked so damn hard to keep neat, and in order were scattered everywhere. From what I gathered, the shelves just gave out because of the weight, the support pins that came with the case were real small...

"It was just an accident" I told myself, it was bound to happen...Stupid "Gothic Cabinet Craft", Piece of Shit! I had my previous bookcase for over 16 years, never had any problems, mom buys that damn thing and less than 6 months, it fall apart. I know I have a lot of books, and maybe I stuffed it, but damn, is it THAT hard to find decient...never mind, it's not worth it.

The books were everywhere, I even had to sleep with half of them on my bed, it was a mess.

I just sat there, surrounded by my fallen books, I'd go to Home Depot and get some bigger shelf supports later on in the week. I don't think Indy (the cat) had anything to do with it, but I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that when I fix one thing in this damn house, something else breaks...




  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Is your cat fat in the ass that if he was up on your books it would break? Most likely not. So I bet it was just way tooo many books. Maybe get another bookshelf or yah reinforce the one ya got. Good thing ya didn't have smut magazines hidden between the books...momma prolly wouldn't have been so happy....know what I'm sayin?!

  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Indiana's a lean cat that gets in trouble a lot, I think the books scared the crap outta him when they fell...as for mother dearest finding any magazines..."Why, what even would you mean?" (Flutters eyelids innocently), I guess she wouldn't understand certain issues of KING, FHM, FISH 'n' GRITS, or HUSH...but obviously I read those magzines for the articles and interviews!


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