"Baby Boom in Beantown"

This month, there are expected to be a lot of babies born in Boston. Due to the Red Sox winning their first World Series in 80-some-odd years. You know the bedsprings were jumping to celebrate That Night in October. So, if you do the math, 9 months from then is now! This makes me wonder about other famous "Dates of Conception". Like, people with birthdays in November, did their parents Do It on Valentine's Day in Feburary? Or those with birthday's in March, did mommy dearest get knocked up on Prom Night in June? And then there's my embrassing case, being born in September, MOM already confessed that the ball wasn't the only thing dropping on "New Year's Day" (Ewww, Gross!). Do the math and check it out, you'll never believe what was going on on that "Magical Night", was there a blackout?, Did Lennon just get shot?, Did the Mets win the World Series?



  • At 7:02 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I dont wanna know what the hell was goin on with my parents.



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