"If everyone was jumping off a clif..."

Yeah, I know, I'm a victum to peer pressure...

Here we go with another quiz (P.S. Some of these are repeat questions that I've answered before, damnit!)

1. Middle name? Leslie (Well, what did you think "Les" stood for, "Lester"?!?!?)
2. What would you change your name to if you could? Sincere (Got that from Nas in "Belly")
3. Which parent, as an adult, do you like better? Since mom's been the only one in the picture, she gets this by default, but considering how she's ruined my life, she didn't win by much...
4. What is your birthday? September 27th, same as Meat Loaf!
5. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? No, I would be smart enough to leave me alone.
6. What are you nicknames? Les, Jet, Usagi, Bugs, Thumper - whoops, that last one's a pet name!
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself? My sarcastic wit.
8. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? my skin complextion
9. What was the last wish you made? I wished my last job interview led to a cool scanning assignment, THAT DAY.
10. Did it come true? Hell no.
11. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 17, didn't know what the hell I was doing...
12. What was his/her full name? Deidre Lilian Hendrickson
13. What is your favorite movie? "Heat" (1995) It's on my profile!
14. What is your favorite book? I have a couple, for now, I'll say "Jack & Jill" by Patterson and "Black Betty" by Mosley.
15. What is your favorite band now? Toss up between Black Eyed Peas and Gorillaz
16. Who is your favorite musician? MOBY!!!!
17. Your favorite song? "God moving over the face of the Waters" by Moby (The ending song in the movie "HEAT", it will be played at my funeral...)
18. Favorite television show? CSI, the original.
19. Who did you last talk to on the phone? Psycho-Sis
20. Last person you talked to online? A friend from a meetup group I'm in.
21. What is your favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Hair, or rather yet, Hairstyle...I have a weakness for pigtails...Boobs comes in a close second.
22. Your favorite personality trait of the opposite sex? Ummm, lemme get back to you on this one...
23. What is your biggest pet peeve? Assholes that bring bikes onboard the subway.
24. Do you have a special talent? I can touch the tip of my nose with my tounge (Gene Simmons ain't got nothin' on ME!)
25. What is your favorite smell? Ooooh, I can be REAL dirty with this question...
26. What is your favorite sound? a woman's laugh.
27. If you had to live without one…which one would you choose to not live without –hugs or kisses? Hugs, I hate hugs, give me kisses everyday!
28. What is your favorite season of the year? Fall
29. Your favorite sport to play? Video Game Golf...
30. What is the furthest you have been from your home? Greensboro, North Carolina
31. Favorite vacation spot? Um, What Vacation?
32. If you could wish for one thing –knowing it would come true, what would it be? *sigh* I hate questions like this because I hate to appear greedy...but I'd have to say I'd wish for the ability to go back in time and prevent some tramatic things from happening to me. (The Car Accident, Losing my Job at the Library, etc, etc...)
33. What is your favorite holiday? My Birthday!, Oh, wait, you mean a real one?...um, well, nothing beats Christmas!
34. What color and style is your favorite underwear? Scottish Plaid Boxers, Lassie!
35. Would you ever bungee jump or BASE jump? S'yeah F**king Right!
36. What is your favorite subject to daydream of? Sex or killing all the people that have pissed me off in life.
37. When did you last cry? When the Eagles lost the Super Bowl.
38. Who was your first crush? Opal Robinson, my elderly babysitter's niece, GHAD she was beautiful, she ran away from home when she was 14, lives out in California somewhere.
39. Do you like your job? No.
40. What is your dream job? I had it already, working the Library.
41. Favorite thing to shop for? Computer stuff or General Electronics
42. Favorite food? French Fries.
43. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Orange Slice, which is now Tropicana Twister - Orange.
44. Favorite alcoholic drink? Don't Drink, girlfriend died in DWI, scarred me for life, won't dishonor her memory.
45. What is your most expensive material possession? Um, my comic book collection?
46. What is your most precious material possession? My PSP, It's...It's...My Precioussssss!
47. Your favorite car that you owned? Don't like cars, girlfriend died in DWI, scarred me for life, terified to ride in cars, now, fear I will die the same way.
48. Your best friend? JOE
49. Your friend that lives farthest from you? Jose "Chino" Perez, We went to Junior High School together with my other 2 close friends. He first moved to Harrisburg, PA, and then down to Florida somewhere, I've haven't heard from him in years.
50. Who is the person, not in your life anymore, you miss the most? Deidre, not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I miss her with every fiber of my being, and the only thing that keeps me going is that I'll see her again one day...



  • At 6:26 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Good answers!
    Lovin NO.3,17,34!!and 50. I thought Lester..sorry. I'm likin Leslie much more.

  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    "Which parent, as an adult, do you like better? Since mom's been the only one in the picture, she gets this by default, but considering how she's ruined my life, she didn't win by much..."

    THAT is a classic answer.

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