"Summer '05:Summer of Bummer!"

Well the summer's in the bag right around now, time to look back with a shameless awards ceremony I can only call... The JET AWARDS!


Disappointment of the Summer:"Star Wars:Episode III:Revenge of the Sith"

Waited so long, and was not satisfied with the end result, George, you owe us more!!!!

Best movie of the Summer:"Crash"

Hands down, best movie since "Sin City" back in April, and almost as good as "Constantine" for Best of 2005 so far, "Crash" is the slap in the face that brings us back to reality. We would all like to believe that in the 21st century race relations are at an all time cool period, but lets be real here, I'm glad someone had the balls to make a movie like this and even star in it, hopefully it'll get some props from Oscar and the Golden Globes.

Best shot in the Arm/Franchise Rejuvenator:"Batman Begins"

The brits give the Cape Crusader a makeover and it works. With an improved, comic-book adapted orign on how Bruce Wayne became the Dark Knight and cunning adversaries (Rather than glorified neon & glitzed carbon copies of corny James Bond villans), "Batman Begins" kicks butt. Bale oozes as yuppie billionaire by day, dark avenging angel at night. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman almost steal the show by offering some light comedy relief in suportive roles. Did I forget to mention Tom Cruise's girlfriend is in it too? Rumors are already flying around to bring back the Joker for the next one, but I hope they don't...no one could beat JACK!, not Mark Hamil, or Crispin Glover!, C'mon! Get martin short to be The Mad Hatter, get Patrick Stewart or Sir Anthony Hopkins to play The Ventrilquist, or recycle the Bane Villan, he was badly used as a goon in Batman & Robin, and speaking of Robin...LEAVE him out! Unless they use a kid Robin played by the Sixth Sense kid, THAT would be cool...

Best New Addition to the All Growing Marvel Comics Cinematic Franchise: “Fantastic Four"

Some people thought it was cheesy, but when it comes to the FF, the movie did the comic justice. I mean, The Fantastic Four are the Granddaddy of Marvel Comic Book Heroes, Before Spider-Man, and The X-Men, it was the Fantastic Four, they were the Neil Armstrongs of Super Heroes. They're the most famous and commercial oriented Marvel Characters in their universe. No Secret Identity, everybody knew who they were, appreciated by the public and press alike, the only thing that drove them nuts was themselves, but despite the hostile chemistry, their teamwork saved the day from the most cosmic of villains. Now, I know they're not going to introduce a certain "Planet Eater" or his silver herald with the surfboard, but one must wonder what other villans will be thrown in the mix to face "Stretch", "Suzie", "Mr. Clobbering Time!" and "Zippo" in part two. Guess, we'll have to wait and see...

Sweet at first, but very little Aftertaste Movie:"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Boy, did this puppy get old fast? It seems after this "Eye-Candy" of a movie landed on the scene at the halfway point of the summer, we got tired of special-effects heavy blockbusters and TV Show Remakes, that we fell in love with zanny Sex Comedies involving Virgins and Weddings...thanks a lot Tim Burton, we forgave you for "Planet of the Apes" by enjoying your "Big Fish", then you kick us in the nuts again with this...and then you expect us to go and see "Corpse Bride"?

Movies I wish I saw on a date or during a summer fling...

"Must Love Dogs"
"The Skeleton Key" (Actually I did see this, but I was alone, and although it didn't scare ME, there are some parts I KNOW a chick would of grabbed me for dear life in fear, it would have been cool...)
“Dark Water”
"Dukes of Hazzard"
"Wedding Crashers"

Action Flops (or regular Flops) I'll wait for cable to see:
"The Island"
"Kingdom of Heaven"
“Cinderella Man”
"War of the Worlds"
"Four Brothers"
"Sky High"
"The Brother's Grimm"
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" (Oh, wait, I did see this already...)

The "Barbershop of 2005" Award for movie setting Black people back another 50 years: "Hustle and Flow"

Documentaries I didn't Care About:
That stupid ass Penguin Movie!

Independent Films I wish I Saw:
“Pretty Persuasion”
“Last Days”
That one with Bill Murray in it…




  • At 8:16 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I liked Crash-wasn't my all time fav. movie, but it was a good one. We useta go to the movies at least twice a month-I think it's been months since I've been. I watched Million Dollar Baby finally-I thought it was good-but..that's a movie I'll only see one time.

    I normally don't ever watch a movie more than once-there are a few-and those very few I can watch over and over and over even if I know every line.

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    Wow, I actually have seen one of those movies (not in a theatre, rented the DVD). Constantine.


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