"Celebrating 60 years of Peace...S'yeah Right!"

WHEW! I know I haven't posted in a bit, it's been crazy with UN World Leader Summit/60th Anniversary Celebration going on. It may not be big news nationwide (Expect when the president apprently had to take a potty break and wrote a note asking permission...FIRE's been all over that!), but the city knows first hand because the East Side of midtown goes on LOCKDOWN. Security was SO TIGHT, tighter than even usual, it was insane!

There was a glimer of light through the darkness however...word from the agency out in seacacus is once we're finally done at the UN, a new contract will be waiting for me somewhere else in the CITY! YAY!!! The madness continues! Nothing like not knowing what you'll be doing next week to keep things EXCITING in your life!

So, The UN's hosting all the world leaders in a throwdown, obviously there's protesters and drama. Taiwan's complaining because they're not in (Boo Hoo!, We make 75% of everything used in the world! How come we're not in the UN, HUH?!?!), and there's Gong Li protesters looking like statues...the kooks of comimg out of the woodwork, here. I got into it with some of the guards around the building a few times because I've been here too long to deal with this "Stop!, Stay!," Bullshit. I asked one guard, "You want me to "SIT!?, ROLL OVER, and BARK while I'm at it??!?!" Something told me I was a split second away from "ACCIDENTLY" getting shot, so I chilled at one point.

Thankfully we were given the day off friday, due to "Light Staff" restrictions, by monday things should be back to the way they were before...

Now, my B-Dday is coming up, and it looks like we'll still be there so I asked my supervisor about taking off the 26th and 27th because I've finally decided to go down to VA and spend some time with my Aunt and Cousin for my 30th Birthday. I've been speaking to Auntee and she's cool with me dropping by. She wants me to show her how to download movies and music off the internet! I welcome the chance to share my skills with an apprentice, I dig the feel of mentoring someone in computers.

And it other hacking news, I went to the latest PSP Meetup Thursday at the Manhattan Mall, and instead of the usual Hot Shot Golf gameplay, a new game became the group favorite...a crash and burn racing sensation called "Burnout:Legends". The game came out that day, and almost every member had brought it that afternoon. I almost felt left out till one of the members hooked me up with and Burn of the game he got from the internet. It's amazing! With the right size memory card, you can play a PSP game without even having it! Hackers are once again beating the system! Who was I to bay 40$ a pop when I can just download it and play off the card! So, with the programs given to me by a fellow member, I was able to get into the action of multi-player chaos.

Now, despite being tramatized by a car accident, I find myself able to enjoy driving video games...a lot! It's like my mind knows "It's not real, so I can drive guilt free, despite the mental scars of losing someone. "Crazy Taxi", "Crusing USA", even going back to "Pole Position", "Super Sprint", and "Test Drive", racing games have always facinated me, yet I've been too scared to learn how to drive in real life. My favorite game, "Road Blasters" Where else can you drive and shoot in a game? It was the best. I've rented a few other racing games on PSP in the past, "Midnight LOAD" (Midnight Club 3) was okay, but I was this close to buying "Need for Speed". Luckly I didn't because now I can download it and play it off the memory card. Once I started playing "Burnout", I got hooked, The game is insane, you're racing other cars and you can slam into them causing them to crash off the road or into other cars and obsticles, it's the ultimate road rage expirence! You just get a rush scraping metal upon concrete, pinning an opponent's car against the divider till they spinout and crash! Every crash is called a "Takedown" and they're all diferent styles of taking poeple down!

For mutl-player PSP gameplay, the game is cool, but what's REALLY going to rock the PSP group comes out NEXT week, 9/20...Madden 2006, nothing like Video Game Football to start a riot in a public area. Hacker or not, I plan to buy that tuesday no matter what and everytime my Eagles lose, I'm taking it out on the sorry fool I come across!

Friday I made my arrangments with Greyhound and got my tickets to go down to Virginia next friday, the 23rd. I was trying to schedule the trip so my aunt wouldn't be out of her way to pick me up (She's not a morning person...), I was also trying to line up the trip with a little sexual rendevouz with my Blue Fairy in the process. Because there's nothing cooler than "Leaving-outta-town" Sex, unless it's "Arriving-back-in-town-and-it's-my-Birthday" Sex, one or the other, I had to do SOMEthing! The schedule I booked made it impossible for the former, but DOES leave room for the latter, I gotta see how my money's going to be, but I just might get a lil somethin somethin afterall.



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