"Eagles Squeek By in a Nail-Biter, McNabb plays while Hurt, Aikers Saves the day, but what about next week?..."

...Oh, and Derek Jeter says get got Death Theats because he's Biracial...Bee-Oh-Oh-H-Oh-Oh (BOO-HOO). About 45% of the world didn't KNOW or CARE about "ol' Blue Eyes" ethnic background, now he goes on "60 Minutes", to say "Poor, tormented me", and "Oooh, the N-Word offends me, so!"...yawn...WAKE UP! They don't hate you cuz' you're mixed (Yeah, I used it!), they hate ya cuz you're famous!!! It's an Athlete's Thing, just like Tiger Woods, Just like the Williams Sisters! If Derek Jeter was a traveling salesman from Ohio, he'd be "D.J., mister white-chocolate from the boondocks" end of story! Nobody would care, nobody would ask, done deal! I'll shed no tears for you, bro'! At least you're torn between two worlds, try looking like one when you ain't and not being accepted by the one you actually are!

Now that I got that off my chest, Eagles are great, the win was the best B-Day present so far, Auntee's learning the ways of the force (But her training is difficult), life is great....Turning 30 soon!




  • At 7:33 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    i dont know who the hell you're talking about...on that note-who cares whose biracial? i dont understand any of that-that whole one race or another thing. i mean seriously....do you have to choose?

    look at mariah carey when i see her on MTV she's all hip hop white girl acting but when i watch her on BET she's all gansta acting and her body language is different. WHY? i dont get it.

    whatcha tryin to make the aunt do?
    whatcha gonna do for your bday?

    *sending good get laid vibes your way*


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