"I DON'T believe the children are our Future!!!"

The headaches continue at the UN. Bus service still hasn't returned to normal, which means I had to walk cross-town yet again. Most of the world leaders that attended the summit last week are gone, but security is still on high alert. That didn't stop the chaos that happened today. At around 1pm, the alarm klaxxon echoed over the lous speaker. There was some sort of power outage that killed the phones and most of the power in the building. At first we thought we had to evacuate the building, but we were told not to...for the moment. I felt really weird for a moment think back to 9/11 and those office workers that were told to stay put after the planes hit instead of leaving right away. Then the outage affected the elevators and the building order the non-essential staff to take the stairs and leave while they go to backup power. I had just finish scanning a box before the power got cut on our floor. At 2:30pm, we were ordered to leave by security. I had to walk down 35 flights of stairs. I felt like a SUV going over rough terain with NO shock-absorbers.

Then I had to go home, and at 2:30 in the afternoon, I had to deal with the damn children getting off from school. There I was cramped in the 1 train from hell, with over sixty 13-17 year olds talkin' shit, and carrying on like they were on one of those yellow school buses! I just wanted to slam my head in the wall the whole trip till I finally got to my stop. The station was no better, how long have these dumb ass kids used the elevators in the subway station? Tell me they did NOT know to press the button for the upper level! There like 16 people crunched together and some stupid kids only holding the DOOR CLOSE Button with out picking the floor.

I swear, I just wanna smack up every boy or girl under the age of 19 because they don'y have no business being in my presence. By the time I got home, my legs were sore, my feet were killing me, I just wanted to curl up and die. This UN gig was not supposed to last this long! I'm counting the minutes now...till friday afternoon at 3, when I catch my bus out of town and get away from it all...in eight days, I will turn 30 years old, but today, I feel like I'm 95!



  • At 3:45 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    you need to come to the country....
    and uh...35 flights of stairs? oh.hell.no.

  • At 10:13 PM, Blogger ladylongfellow said…

    Don't be such a candy-sissy-ass! hehe I love that expression...but I don't get to use it near enough. Sorry...I had to...it's my mean nature. *pout* Happy birthday a little early!


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