"Sex Quiz"...Ooooh, kinky!

Courtesy of LLF...

1. Craziest place you ever had sex? PATH Train, 1:30 in the morning.
2. Ever pass out from drugging/drinking? No, only from loss of blood, once.
3. What have you done you could have been arrested for? Um, hung someone out an open window, participated to the delincicy of a minor, various internet file-sharing crimes, and...ONE time, just one time...I shot a crossbow into a live chicken in the hallway of a project.
4. Ever cheated in school? Nope, but I barely passed all my math classes. (I HATE Math!)
5. Ever dated a goth or a vamp? In New York?, No.
6. Ever keep secret from your friends someone you were dating? Yeah, not because I was ashamed or anything, it was just none of my friends fuckin' business.
7. Most unusual place you ever slept? Bathtub
8. Favorite sexual position? Depends
9. Cum before? Cum with or cum after your partner? Yes, Yes, and Yes.
10. You have a tattoo or any other distinguishing features? birthmark of a rabbit...which means I like to...
11. Ever dated someone you met online? Yes.
12. Ever fell in love with someone you met online? (Voice cracking) Yes.
13. Ever had sex with the same sex? Hell, NO!
14. Had a threesome? No, but I've seen "Wild Things" 87 times, that should count for something.
15. Ever cheated on a spouse or lover? No.
16. Are you a geek, dork or a nerd? Imma TechnoGeek
17. What is the biggest risk you have taken in your life? I had sex with someone I met online without a condom.
18. What do you smell right now? Nothin'.
19. Last song you listened to? "GoldDigger" by Kanye West
20. Last show you watched on TV? Seinfeld
21. Last movie you saw in the theater? The Skeleton Key
22. Favorite reality show? Surreal Life for now, Till "Surivior" starts again...
23. What was the last thing you felt guilty about? Living a "normal" life while others who have lost everything roam Louisiana trying to cling on to their sanity.
24. Have you ever had phone sex? Uh, No.
25. Ever had virtual sex? What the hell would that consist of?
26. Have any sexual regrets? Nope, not yet.
27. What is your most recent sexual fantasy? I'm Lil' Kim's Prison Guard during her first night of her sentence...
28. Last time you masturbated? December 7th, 2000, the day I got my illegal cable box, first thing I watched was "Monster's Ball" on HBO, and THEN Playboy TV (Plus I was living alone for the first time that year....)
29. Can you lick your own nipples? Yeah, but only cuz I have a long tongue!
30. Would you ever date the person who sent you this quiz? sorry, but that's a setup question and I'm not falling for the banana in the tailpipe!



  • At 11:10 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    oh dear.

  • At 2:43 PM, Blogger Les said…

    LOL, that's all you can say, after all that?...LOL I dare YOU to take this quiz!


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