"Curse of the REAL Were-Rabbit!!!"

There is a legend...

of a man unlike mortal men...

Born on a Chinese year of the Rabbit, this urban myth carries the mark of the beast that lies within...

Heighten sense of hearing, unbelievable leaping abilities and lightning fast, he roams the countryside looking for vegetable sustenance.

Altered dental impressions that exhibit enhanced upper incisors…

Wreaking havoc on nights where the moon is full, this man-beast emerges once a generation within a single bloodline of ancestors…that can be identified by…THE MARK!!!

It is known to appear in many places of the body but once the mark is revealed and at the peak of adolescence, the beast takes over.

For years, I have hid those secrets, for years I have kept the beast at bay, but it’s too late, I can no longer hide my destiny. For behold,



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