"The night stalker Returns?"

Haven't heard from seacacus yet about my next scanning assignment that's supposed to start monday, so I've been fishing for some possible new jobs elsewhere. Got a couple of responses for some off-hour positions and I even have an interview lined up for friday. One is 3rd shift (1am-9am possibly.) in Staten Island, my ideal one is the second, midtown manhattan, killer pay, duration is at least a year but could be more, with great hours...4pm to 1am! I like working the nightshift, less crowds with the commute, dress however I want, etc, etc...and if I get enough sleep during the day, I can start hitting the clubs in the late hours like I used to do. The Blue Note, Carolines, Roseland, maybe even Webster Hall.

I'm not getting my hopes up like I have with past interviews, if nothing comes from this, I'll give Seacacus a call and see what's up...

Still, it would be nice to be working nights...



  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    i am soo not a night person. i'm an afternoon person even though i get up at 5am to go to work. by 9pm i'm barely hanging on.
    yeah i'm old what can i say?


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