"Backup's on the Way..."

Okay, found an alternate storage site in imageshack.us repairs are in progress....

A couple of personal notes:In yet another attempt to relive my youth, I've discovered a nugget of a find in ZIP file full of VERY old PC games I used to play in High School! The original "Test Drive", "Leisure Suit Larry", "Prince of Persia", "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?", and "Zany Golf"!..."ZANY GOLF!!!", talk about childhood memories! ALSO, the fam are going to try to get our family portrait taken tomorrow...I'd appricate if anyone would put us in their prayers because we haven't had a full family pic since our niece has been born! AND speaking of the little princess, I finally got around to getting our old backup PC a sound card upgrade so she can use it to play educational cd-rom games. This old P2 was given to my mother at work and she was using it to learn EXCEL, but when we tried to play some Learn-2-Read CDrom, we couldn't hear anything. Now, that it's fixed I'm going to try to get Baby Girl into some advanced learning!



  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    my kids useta play critter games (yanno critter book character?) all the time.

    hope she has fun playing.


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