"Do you hear that?!?!?"

God, sometimes super hearing can be a curse.  Last night “LOST” was on, right…It’s one of the few shows that Me and MOM look at together.  So around 9:40, I start hearing this crazy light squeaking, like mice or something.  Now, we have two cats in the house, so mice would be pretty damn stupid to fool around here.  It was real soft and you’d wouldn’t hear under normal circumstances, be me and my Wolverine senses, it was like blowing a dog whistle.  So I start searching the room for the source…I check the closet, the radiator, the dressers, everywhere.  Then after a moment, it stops.  Then towards the very end (What an ending, by the way!  I haven’t gasped like that since the light turned on in the hatch when Locke was freaking out!...just one word on a computer screen…”DAD?”…goosebumps!) the squeaking starts again, and now MOM can hear it because I muted the TV.  We’re scratching our heads like crazy, when suddenly it hits me like lightning….our upstairs neighbors are having sex!  OH MY GOD!!!  How crazy IS that!  Bedsprings that actually squeak, and WHO HAS SEX WHILE “LOST” IS ON IN THE FIRST PLACE!  Obviously, their not fan of the show…but now me and mom are in a dilemma.

Mom being the pig-headed one does the obvious, she pulled out her curtain pole and TAPPED THE CEILING!  I grabbed the pole and asked her, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!??!”  The squeaking went on and off a few more times then stopped at around 10:15

Come tonight at the same time, “CSI”’s a repeat thank goodness, at the same time, we hear it again!  This is too embarrassing to believe!  I have a bad feeling MOM’s going to do something very stupid soon.



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