"The Darkness is my Realm..."

President's day weekend. MOM took Baby Girl to a baby's Christening so I had the place all to myself. I woke up early to go down to the laundromat and do a quarter year's worth of boxers and socks. I had the whole area to myself, I guess everyone went out of town for the three-day weekend...

I was done and back home by 2:30pm...The house was so quiet.

You know, times like this when I'm alone...on a cold winter day like this...I like to open every window in the house. Not wide open of course, but just enough to let a breeze in. And then I turn out all the lights, and wait throughout the day as the sun sets. Slowly, the house becomes enveloped in darkness (That's a nice word, "enveloped", damn, I'm good...). The only source of light is from my TV or Computer Monitor...the cold air relaxes my body as I sit or lie in the darkness. I feel complete, contempt, almost fullfilled...Yes, it's as if I could just melt and travel from one place to next in an instant, being one with the darkness...

Dark, real dark, not even seeing your hand in front of your face, not knowing if that next step you take will be out a door or off a cliff...

Like that Vin Diesel movie, "Pitch Black"...

I don't know WHY I get like this, why I yearn for companionship and social interaction when I enjoy being alone so much, I guess I'm just fooling myself, really...

This is the way I like it, alone, dark, cold...almost if, I'm preparing myself...for death...

(insert eerie, spooky silence here)



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