
It was a night I'll never forget...

Like Evel Knievel doing his first motorcycle jump the nerviousness you felt that day is still inside you. It was bold, spontaneous and completely against your character, that's why it felt so good. It made you feel alive again, even if it was just for that one night.

5 years, 7 months...that's how long it had been, before that night. Since you felt the warm embrace of a woman, before tending the calls of the flesh, wasn't it enough? Didn't you deserve an ocassional moment of pleasure in life?

No judgements, no questions, no regrets...

What's done is done now, but sometimes it's good to reflect.

Jet Black, it's been exactly one year since your sexual encounter with the escort known as "LOVELY". How long will it be till your next expirence with a woman? Another 5 years?, maybe even 7? Who knows, but here's to your Year 1...and counting.

Hold your Breath.



  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    1 year? Dude I could so go 1 year.

    Some chicks [not LADYLONGFELLOW] can do that...some like me would welcome it.

    We need to get you laid. I wish I lived closer to ya cause I'd help a brother out ...but honestly...NY is too big for my ass. [and it's a big ass]

    You'll be gettin' your groove on before ya know--especially if you're gettin all freaky deaky with that web-cam.

  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger Les said…

    I've said it before and I'll say it again..."YOU are the ONLY one who UNDERSTANDS, kimmyk..."

    Bless you...

  • At 3:44 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Jet...I'm tellin ya...I just love ya!


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