"Let sleeping dogs...SLEEP!"

This week has been so crazy on the train and bus coming and goin' to work. The rugrats are still off from school the whole week, but the damn punk-ass teeny boppers are still around. But now emerges a new annoying commuter, one that is starting to piss me off more and more...the concered citizen!

Okay, me being the cronic insomiac that I am, naturally I get some extra zzz's on the way to and especially coming home from work. I have made this into an art form! I can sleep standing up, and I have a keen sense of knowing WHEN TO WAKE UP FOR MY STOP! With that said, I REALLY hate it when some helpfull stranger wants to wake me up for "my own good"!!

Example, Unlike most of the people in the city, monday I had to work. Going downtown to Times Square is a 20-25 minute trip, and I got a seat right away because the train was damn near empty! So I get on the train, right...within seconds I'm back to sleep as if it was 90 minutes ago (5:30am), around two stops down the line, at 145th street, this guy taps my shoulder...

ME (Stirring Awake):What?
DUDE:You fell asleep.
ME (Annoyed): SO!
DUDE: (Suprised): Um, what stop are you getting off?
ME (Pissed): TIMES SQUARE, man!
DUDE: (Embrassed): Oh, sorry. (Gets up and moves to another car...)

Now, a lesser man would BEAT the ever-lovin' SHIT out of that guy! But I chalk it up to an isolated incident and try to go back to sleep, which of course, I DIDN'T!

Fast Forward to yesterday evening (Wednesday)...Now I don't mind taking the 1 train DOWN to Times Square to head out to Queens, but going home, it's hell on earth, so I don't bother. I've gotten spoiled on this east side crosstown bus that stops a block away from the house. It goes on the highway after the upper east side and has me up in the 'heights in no time. SO after a hard day at work, I get on the bus at Grand Central, find a nice cozy seat in the back corner and grab some zzz's.

Once again, I feel someone tapping arm...(It's a woman this time so I try to be a bit more polite...)

ME (Bushy eyed):Yes?
LADY:You were really sleeping, there...
(I didn't know WHAT to say to that so I responded with annoyed cold glance demanding she explain herself...)
LADY (Putting 2 and 2 together...):I was concered that you'd miss your stop...
ME:My stop is one of the last stops, MISS.
LADY: Oh, okay...
ME:Not a problem.

I don't know what is it, maybe I snore, or do something to bring attention to myself, but what possesses a person to up and disturb someone while they're sleeping? I'm cool enough not to rest my head on somebody's shoulder (Real New Yorkers don't do that shit anyway, that's just a TV/Movie Stereotype!) and If I miss my stop, so the hell what?! I just get off and make my back, that's all, damn!

I'll admit, coming home, I get hit the hardest, and sometimes I do go a couple stops past my house (Sometimes I end up all the way up near Inwood!). But when that happens, I stay cool, act like it's my stop and smoothly get off the bus, I don't freak, it ain't the end of the world, damn, c'mon!

More and more, people in the city are shocking me with pleasantries...

I guess I'm gonna have to get a sign to wear around my neck that says..."If I fall asleep, DO NOT WAKE ME UP!...Thank You."




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