"The TRUTH about CharLIE"

Okay, now that the relauch has come and gone, it's time to address an issue revealed right before my little sabbatical...

I originally was going to pull an "Austin Powers" cop out and claim my dear sweet friend, Irene was a "Fem-Bot" and reveal that "I'm single again!' But then I felt she deserved better than that.

The reality is, Irene are I are just good friends. I kept her a secret from the blog because she was the only one who IM'd me (Hint, hint!)...in time she became one of my biggest confidants in everything. She even has semi-nude pics of me trying to do my last HNT.

I'm not gonna be stupid and say I'm not attracted to this beautiful flower growing in concrete soil...Those mysterious slanted eyes, her awesome physique which is able to create car accidents just by her walking down the street like "Carolina" in the movie "Desperado". When I first came across her blog I believed we were kindered spirits and I still believe that. I value her friendship and would do anything asked by her short of taking a bullet.

So, to recap...Are seeing each other, no?...are we having sex?, no...have we seen each other naked?...I can dream can't I?...with that said, I will now resume my "Indiana Jones"-like search for some "skins".

I'll give Irene credit...she DID make me forget about finding a lil somethin-somethin on craigslist!

Like anyone out there took us seriously in the first place...HA!



  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I did..but I didn't think she'd be all for the booty call costing 250 big ones.

    Every good relationship starts as friends...ya just never know Jet....

  • At 9:31 PM, Blogger Anocsanamun said…

    yes Jet - You never know my love...


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