"You don't give a monkey a latte!!!"

Ha, ha.

Yep, I finally saw it.

Well, ME and My Niece finally saw "Curious George" after two weekends of fowl weather.

No SIR!!, 20 degrees and Strong Winds weren't stopping us this time, Brother!

We saw the 11:30 in the morning show at the 84th and Broadway theater which has now become an AMC theater rather than a LOWES that it once was (Guess that Merger/Takeover is offical now...).

Being the theater snob that I was I choose that specific one to avoid all the headaches associated with a children's film (Uncontrollable rugrats, babies crying, etc, etc...) and call me racist all you want, there was no way in hell I was going to see this movie in some ghetto-ass, broken down, gum on the floor, "Multiplex" that were closer to me. The upper west side was idea because let's face it, all the yuppies are there...

For all my planning and waiting, the theater was still a bit...annoying. This was the third week the movie's been out it's still popular.

And my niece herself is no picnic, she has the bladder of an 85 year old woman. I checked with her before we left the house "Do you have to go the bathroom?", "...You sure you don't have to go?"...then when we get down to the theater and buy our popcorn...before we go in a get our seat..."Do you have to go, now's the time, you SURE you don't have to go to the bathroom?"...we get our seats, sit through all the pre-trailer TV Spots and Entertainment news, one last time I ask her? "You gotta go, there still time...", she's good. The previews start...and I swear to god, there are so many animated movies coming out this year! And it's not even Disney, people!...other movie studios are jumping this bandwagon like CRAZY! There had to be at least SIX traiilers, and the only one that stayed with me is some crazy CGI(?) movie with the voices of Martin Lawrence and Ashton Kutcher as a Bear and Antelope, I can't even remember the name of the movie, but what an odd paring...

SO, after the train ride, the tickets, the seats, the pre-trailer, the ENDLESS trailers, the movie's FINALLY about the start...what's the first thing my 7 year old niece says to me...?(Everybody with FEELING!!!!)

"Uncle Leslie, I have to go to the Bathroom."


It was pretty much fun as a root canal after that...

From what I gather, I didn't miss much in the beginning (I'll just have to get the DVD to find out!!!), we came back to see the tail end of the Chameleon scene I saw from the TV Commercial.

The movie in itself was a very nice trip back to my childhood, I read all the Curious George books when I was a kid, they were awesome. The animation style was true to the book with vivid colors enough to rival Warren Beatty's "Dick Track". Will Ferrel's "Man in the Yellow Hat" was a bit too goofy for my taste, but I was able to stomach it for awhile. As much as I enjoyed the movie, I have to admit they went a little over the top with the musical tunes from Jack Johnson linking every scene, should this have been called "Curious George:The Musical"? Even Disney cuts for a break and dialogue once and awhile...

All in all, the movie was great, I would LOVE to see a sequel in the works, I hope there wasn't anything extra during or after the credits because once again, "Niecy-go-Potty" had us running up the aisles with our coats half on.

After the movie, we braced the cold once again and had some Ray's Pizza before going home.

I chatted with JOE on Yahoo around 4pm, he finally got SOCOM for the PSP so now it's on! I'm making it my mission to kick his ass in the virtual world of miltary combat. I've been on a ol' skool kick lately, digging out my old Nintendo64 and playing some of the old games of yesteryear...

That pretty much wraps my weekend up for now...

Tomorrow's the start of another week...god I need a life.

But at least I'm a good uncle.



  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    yes you are!

    don'tcha love it when they gotta go pee? they're like puppies almost...

    went to see 8 below this weekend...oh my gosh...i bawled. i wont go into detail, but i will say it's worth buying when it comes out.

  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    I'm a great uncle. I teach my nephews all the swear words!


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