
You feel a flash of heat.

Your blood boils with rage. You don't think it's possible, but everything you see has a red hue.

You roll on the balls of your feet, you suddenly can't stand still...

The adrenaline spikes your brain, and your pulse starts to rise...

And in an instant, you're shuddering, shaking in place, trembling.

People are starting to stare at you now as your teeth start to chatter.

You don't necessary convulse, but it's as if you standing on the street in California during THE BIG ONE as your body starts to shake violently

Your eyes start rapidly blinking as the passengers around you back away in fear.

In the five longest minutes in the world someone finally gets the attention of the bus driver in the front.

...and then you lose control of your legs...and your bladder, and then it's light out.

You wake up three hours later at Lincoln Hospital.

A nurse asks if you're all right and explains what happens to you.

You get a bill for 720.00 and get dressed and get the hell out of there, that specific hospital contains bad memories for you.

Your name is Jet Black, and it's been two years since you had your first and last Nervious Breakdown. Two days after that, you resigned from your job in westchester.

Who would of thought the job would make you crack like that?

To the point where it became unhealthy...just to work!

All because of the people responsible...

The ones that betrayed you...

And the one who drove you over the edge, the one who tried to change your job description, to assign tasks that weren't yours to do...

Who would have imagined a single person could effect you that way!?!?

You miss the money you made, you miss the freedom it gave you, but then you think back to that bus...

...lying in a pool of your own urine, mind a complete blank and the answer is clear...

you had to get out.

No money in the world is worth your mental health, remember that, the next time you fee pissed off at work.



  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    man that was rough.

    i can't imagine what brought all that on. shit, glad you quit. for your sake..sheesh.

  • At 8:24 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    what did I just miss?

  • At 1:24 AM, Blogger Les said…

    Just thinking back to bad times, FIRE5...I'm a brood that way...


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