"The Sweet Tooth's takin' a Powder!"

Ash Wednesday, 1st day of Lent. Didn't see many marked foreheads in the streets today, it's wonder anyone goes to church in the city anymore. After an long and hard evaluatition, I've decided to give up candy for lent. No more Sweet Tarts, Starburst, Skittles, Twix, or any Chocolate in it's candy form (Chocolate Chip Cookies don't count...). This is going to be tricky, I'll have to depend on Fruit Snacks in the meantime.

The first friday's coming up again, which means I'm going to try to see this Hip Hop Karaoke at Rothko for sure time time, I hope...

I also plan on doing a marathon movie run by seeing all three new movies this weekend. Dave Chappelle's "Block Party", the sci-fi flick, "UltraViolet", and Bruce Willis' "16 Blocks". Friday, Saturday, Sunday...Boo-YA!. This could be the beginning of the spring box-office movie season. I plan to see "V is for Vendetta" next weekend, too.

The Screenwriter's Dig has once again contacted me about their contest...

They revisited their contest rules and clarified the prize package award a bit. As a top ten finalist I'm entitled to at least $1500.00...in company shares (as in NOT REAL F*%king money!) and if I don't win the grand prize but my concept is still interesting enough to be taken to hollywood, I can be compensated up to $50,000 (In cash.) for the idea within the next year and a half. It's a bit up in the air my involvment if it's brought this way as opposed to if I actually won. Translation:"If I don't make the top 3, they MAY take the show off my hands out of mercy and try to make money off it anyways, promising me chump change if it's a hit or not.

I gotta sign this damn agreement before I find out where I'll place. It almost sounds like these bastards may wanna steal my idea. After waiting all this time, I almost feel like bailing out, it's a gamble, I wanna think about it for a weekend.

I've got some cool new ideas for the blog that I my spring up soon, I also wanna FINALLY update the photo blog with all my latest pics. Till then...it's off to the coal mines...


(Damn, Imma miss those Sweet Tarts...)



  • At 9:47 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Ok so let me get this straight....

    those jokers want you to sign an agreement giving them your idea for a show? Pfft them. I'd say no. It's your story and your idea. I think it's a great idea and concept for a WB show I swear. No other network seems to be willing to be that cool and take a chance on a "young" sort of show except the WB. Maybe NBC like right around the time Scrubs is on or something. Maybe FOX but they're so wrapped up in AI right now. CBS is for the older crowd. Ahh hooie on them!

    Giving up candy is hard. I had to give up candy after I had surgery and I'm telling you-I love me some Skittles (the smoothie ones) and I looovveee me some Twizzlers.

    Have fun at the movies. I really want to see 16 Blocks. I would sooo do Bruce. He's flippin' hot.


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