"The Editing Room"

I don't why I never mentioned this great site before, and I'm not sure why I'm bringing it up now (It's 5:15 in the morning and I'm still up for christsakes, I'm between jobs whattya want from me?!?!?)...

But this is one of the first sites I followed with a passion...this site TAUGHT mw how to write scripts, and it started waaaaay back in 1999 with it's hysterical take on Phantom Menace and has done so many others since.

The guy has slowed down to a crawl as of late, doing a new movie almost every 3 months, but for any newcomers, it's worth it to read his previous works. You may find a movie that you enjoyed...condensened to 3-5 pages.

Check out The Editing Room - a site dedicating to abridging the latest blockbuster into a 30 second film.

You'll die laughing...




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