"In brightest day, in blackest night..."

...No evil shall escape my sight...Let those who worship evil's might...Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!

Um, sorry...Just got "Justice League" Season 1 on Blockbuster Online...

Anyoooooo...JUST when things looked their darkest...the call is made.

I'm to report downtown to get my ID and take a drug test tomorrow...my assignment starts next week.

A sigh of relief fills the air...

Is this any way to live? No, but what else can I do?...The evidence seems clear that I can't get anything else, but of course there WAS a bit of sabotage on mom's behalf.

I might be doing this song and dance by July if this assignment lasts as long as they said it will...but then again, it may go longer...

You know what they say...

"You're not promised Tomorrow..."



  • At 7:03 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    Green Lantern! Jeezus H, reminds me of my days buying comic books like the Micronauts and shit. Now I have most of the original Venom series, so I'll hold onto them.

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I don't know what the green lantern is..but I assume it's a guy thing since FS5 mentioned comic books.

    How long have you been living at home now?


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