"It never rains in SOUTHERN California"

...But it always rains on Good Friday in New York City.


You wouldn't BUL-ieve my luck.

TWO things happened Thursday...

1a) I got the call from my Team Leader giving me the heads up...Next assignment starts next week...Monday OR Tuesday.

1b) I set up ANOTHER interview for monday...

2) After a couple of chats, I finally set up a date with someone from AFF!

BUT as usually, mother nature puts a monkey wrench in the works...

We were gonna see "Scary Movie 4" today...but the rain canceled our plans...

Good thing, too, I guess...I was nervious as hell.

I feel history repeating itself considering she's a 20 year old girl from upstate in the city limits around White Plains.

I keep telling myself..."Don't this one PLAY you like "Jersey City" did, ya punk!"

But then, I don't want to dwell in the past because I'll just fuck up the whole thing before it even starts....I gotta be open, just don't lay it all on thick.

Pay for the tickets, but NOT the popcorn...
Browse around the Virgin Megastore after, but DON'T buy her a CD...
Take a break at the cafe, buy us drinks, BUT not a muffin!

...Take it sloooooow, just this once.

Like I said, today was a washout, and she's kinda busy (and I will be soon again...), but SHE IS feeling me, :)

As for the call, if I go back Tuesday, I'll still go to the job interviews, just for the hell of it. I still need a new dress shirt that I plan to get tomorrow...

When I checked my account this morning there was a bit more than I expected...I had recieved a bonus from the job as a reward for the UN Project.

It's nice to get appricated once in awhile...

So that's about it...with me starting a new gig next week, I'll keep AFF for a few more months, hopefully I can set up another date...

This COULD be the storm before good things to come...



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