"MTA, going your way....To HELL!"

Wow, what a night. This post is a bit early because of spacing reasons...

It's Actually April 2nd, 7:30am...and I'm just getting home from Irene's party last night.

And ya'll can jump to all the conclusions you want, you'd be no way NEAR the story, so just cancel all those congrat emails and comment posts right now...

I wanted to be a LIL late for the thing (I hate being one of those first people there and not knowing what the hell to do...) so a left a around 10:45. I had the directions down packed! The place was not to far from where I was working at for the UN, it was just the next stop and a few blocks up. But it was the weekend and if ANYone in the city know, THAT's the only time the trains can really be worked on! (That and the very LATE night....).

SO, what became an easy 1 hour trip, became 2 and a half hour JOURNEY!

The 7 train was cut off from Manhattan. I had to take the N train to hook with with it at Queenboro Plaza (Which was 2 stops from the damn party!). But I didn't take the damn, N, I hopped on the R (They both have the same color coded scheme, just like the A, C, and E are all Blue Dots, the 1,2, and 3 are Red, etc, etc...), once I realized my mistake I got off, only to find the train was skipping my stop on the return trip (More contruction!), so the token booth clerk let me back on for free and I got back on the R going in the wrong direction till I transferred to the E. The E took me back to 42nd Street which was Square 1, and THEN I hopped on the N train. (Ya'll reading this from out of the city probably got no idea what the hell I'm talkin' about....)

So, I take the N to the right part of Queens and connected with the 7 Train finally around 12:15am (Yeah, I am WAY pass fashionably late!), the damn 7 train sits there for over 20 minutes gathering passengers like it's the last helicopter in the embassy! I didn't get to the place till 1am, WHICH for all you scientific heads out there REALLY was 2am due to daylight savings time!

The place was jumping, nice music, cool crowd, took me a few minutes to find the hostess with the mostess, but she was busy doing her thing which sometime required her to step out a bit.

As late as I was she was still glad to see me. I'm a man of my word, If I say I'm going to be there, I'm there! And since it was anocsanamun we're talking about here, there was no question on if I was gonna be there, it was a question on WHEN. I'd travel a thousand miles through the desert, barefoot just to see a picture of her on a milk carton.

If you would see me in the club, you'd swear I wasn't having a good time, but to the contrary, I would be having the time of my life! Think about it, I'm not a home going out my mind. I'm miles away, at a party, there are people dancing and drinking, and it's all good. BUT! I don't dance, so for awhile I was just on the side, staying out of people's way, then I found a spot on the wall to hold up, then a seat at the end of the bar next to the video poker machine...since I don't drink, I ordered my usual club sodas, the bartender let have 'em for free since they were probably a baby drink to him. I stopped after 5 I didn't wanna be stuck on the train ride home dying to take a piss.

The crowd was cool, the music was banging, I really wasn't checking anyone else out. Irene was busy doing her things so we only had a few passing moments to talk, I figured why should that be any different than our current situation so I didn't sweat it. The point of the matter is I came, If I didn't show up, I would have looked like a fake jerk in her eyes and she'd never wanna even email me again, this way...I'm still in her thoughts (I guess.).

The party was winding down at around 4:30am, so I left, going back to the city took just as much time going other despite going the right way due to the lousy late night/early morning service...I got home at 6:45am tired, but thinking "If I go to sleep now, I won't be able to sleep tonight!", so I stayed up watching videos on VH1...

Kayne West's "Touch the Sky" video is kinda cool, think I'll add that to mp3 player...

Well, this adventure's over...NEXT WEEK (This friday actually)....HIP HOP KARAOKE!, I'm finally going!




  • At 8:26 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    I'd end up being killed on some NYC train, I'm sure of it.

    Old people like me are usually in bed by 1AM, regardless of the weekend.

  • At 11:34 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Aw c'mon! where's your sense of adventure! Being miles away from home in the wee hours of the morning makes New York so Exciting!!!

  • At 2:35 PM, Blogger Anocsanamun said…

    I feel really terrible that I didn't have more then a few moments with you. I wished you didnt back up when I went to hug you - I didn't try to touch you again because I was sure my Secret deodorant told on me. I wanted "time" and that night I felt like the old woman in the show and everyone was my kids!!! Everyone looked to me for answers, and were helpless without me.

    Tonight I am hosting a Spring Break event at the same place. I was going to invite you - but felt terrible that you came out Saturday and I didn't have the time I had hoped to talk to you. I want to tell you that I appreciate more then you know that you came. After you telling me about your ordeal and I reading about it - I want you to know that you will never be fake in my eyes and that I adore you.
    Thank YOU SOO MUCH!


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