"Nobody does Quizzes anymore!"

It's been a long time since I've been tagged to do a Quiz, guess they went the way of the HNT...which is so passe now...

So leave it to my dear Irene to tag me with something new...

So without further adieu...

10 of Life's Simplest Pleasures

1. Peanut Butter - Man's greatest invention.

2. Music - It sooths the savage beast within us all.

3. Knowledge - nothing more powerful, nothing more seductive, and nothing, nothing more valuable.

4. Coming home to an empty House - To some this would be depressing, for me, it was the symbol of freedom.

5. A woman's unconditional Love - Even the simplest of gestures goes a long way.

6. Video Games - A way to live out fantasies without hurting people.

7. Chance - Because sometimes decisions are so hard to make alone.

8. My niece's voice on the Telephone - Innocence at it's purest form.

9. A woman's laugh - probably one of the most wonderful sounds in the world, sans the first time a newborn cries shortly after birth.

10. All five human senses - Very often taken for granted.

There's my list, kinda deep ain't it?...Okay, I Tag Kimmyk and LLF, they'll take care of the rest...I would tag FIRE5 but he hates these things...

In other news, Got the Black Eyed Peas concert friday night, tomorrow I have a new interview for an actual job (Rather than a temp assignment from another agency) that thankfully mom didn't sabotage this time...aaaaaand dispite a threat of rain on Saturday again, I'm making the trip up to White Plains to see a movie with my new potential someone!

Busy, busy, busy!



  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I always knew you loved your neice!

    Chance is good...sometimes scarey....

    and who is this potential someone hmmm???

    I hope you have a great time!


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