"Oh, the places you'll Go!"

My canadian Bush-Basher, FIRESTARTER5 had a nice post about the different places I've worked all around the city. I figured I'd go alone with the joke and provide all the places I've been...


My home the first 25 years and currently.

I had a paper route (12 Customers at one point...I got swindled by a marketing asshole who worked for the Daily News who stole my clients and added them to his subscriber list with false hopes of making me an offical delivery boy!)...

...I was also a Dog Walker...my very first summer job was in the Parks Department where I worked 3 different parks around the area (Cool part, using a gas powered backpack leaf-blower ...the worst, cleaning up dog poo in one of shitiest parks in new york city history!)...AND I started at the library in my neghborhood branch.


I worked in 4 of the 6 clustering branches on the east side of manhattan between 96th street and 58th. Some celebreties that I seen while working are Ernest Borgnine (Movie Star, "Marty"), Mark Lenard (Spock's father, Sarek of Vulcan), Wu-Tang member's RZA and GZA, and Judy Gold (Comedian).


I've worked all over the wall street area, doing temp jobs on both night and day shifts, working for Chase and HealthFirst. I've seen episodes of Law and Order being filmed, scenes for SPIDER-MAN, GODZILLA, SHAFT, and HITCH. I also had the misfortune of seeing 2 Yankee Parades at the so called "Canyon of Heroes".


I worked for a law firm scanning documents at night. While there I discovered the San Gennaro festival, Tower Records, The spiciest pizza known to man (Two Boots), and a funny little clothing store call "Yellow Rat Bastard".

I've also worked up in Westchester, and now in Queens. Never worked in The Bronx, Brooklyn or Staten Island, nor anywhere on the West Side of manhattan...first time for anything...

Thanks for the post, FIRE!



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