"I was Wrong."

Remember the end of "Star Trek:Nemesis"? When DATA sacrificed himself to save everyone? He uttered one last word as PICARD was beamed back to the Enterprise...


It choked me to tears...

The same thing almost happened tonight on LOST as I saw Locke face Eko with the impending doom of the hatch self destructing...his possible last thought in a brief statement that will echo in my mind the whole summer...

"I was Wrong."

*SOB*....this is the true meaning of drama.

Such raw emotion...


1) Have we seen the last of Michael and Walt?

2) Will Sayid somehow rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer?

3) Should Jin and Sun just ride that damn boat as far away from the island possible?

4) So "Henry"'s running things?

5) Is there a connection between the real "Henry" and Desmond's Girlfriend?

6) Will the system failure in the Hatch crash another plane?

7) a)If the button releases a magnetic charge that cannot build up for more than 108 minutes, what does that have to do with the whole "Quarantine" sign thing?

7) b)Did Eko figure it all out just in time for him to die before telling anyone?!?!

8) And how rich is Desmond's girlfriend to have Russians try to look for him by monitoring magnetic fields from the north or south pole?

Too freaking weird...



  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    1)If they went through all that trouble to get Walt, they just wouldn't let him go so easily.

    2) I think Sayid knows something really fucked up is going on now.

    3) Remember what Desmond said (It's like being trapped in a snowglobe)

    4) Or Henry is just in charge of that group.

    5) Define "real Henry"

    6) If most jet aircraft are made of aluminum, how did a giant magnet bring it down? Aluminum isn't magnetic.

    7) There's more to this than a bigass magnet. I'm betting money they've developed teleportation somehow.

    7) Eko is believing too much in religion.

    8) Actually, they were Portuguese (spellchecker)

    Tidbit: In Desmonds flashbacks in the hatch with that dude in the yellow containment suit. That guy is the same army dude in Sayids flashbacks when they tried to make him get info from his own officer in Iraq!!!!!

    Tidbit 2: If the giant magnet attracted everything to it, how come the lid of the hatch was seen flying through the air and landing on the beach? Was there an explosion or are we just assuming that there was?


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