"Catch and Release"

Work's been INSANE.

The client has been giving us database issues, they're being how picky on how the papers should be handled (We unstaple and remove paper clips from everything only to put them back on in the exact way they were...), the workflow has be reduced to a slow crawl... We've barely have enough to keep us busy a full 8 hours, we've been going home early almost every day this week. We need these hours, this ain't funny, it's a waste of bloody time!

Then there's MIAMI...

IT's been said that since the majority of the work has been completed up here in New York, the team should be sent down to concentrate on the miami files and then come back and finish in New York. SO! We MAY or MAY NOT be going...first thing MONDAY, talk about getting your bags packed!

We'll be expected to stay down there for 3 weeks, we don't know nothing about housing arraingments, but it's implied that we'll all have seprate rooms (I mean, they seriously can't stick four women in the same room with 1 guy, it would be suicide!), and even the idea of rooming with someone is out of the question...I snore, I get up to pee 3 times a night, I can't deal with anybody.

As much as I want to get down there, it CAN'T be next week. Tuesday I have a manditory appearence at some Job Center to continue my unemployment. Just a quick visit to show I'm "Looking" for work and to recieve some "ideas" how to do so. If I don't attend, they MAY cut off my unemployment.

The freak weather has done nothing for my mood. I've been trying to talk to JOE but he's still busy preparing for the big move. How ironic would it be I'd head down to Florida before him without saying goodbye? That'll be real fucked up...

The boss has been calling each day from Seacacus telling us that we're going, THEN telling us "It's not Finalized", everything's so up in the air...the final decision will be made tomorrow and we'll find out if we're going monday or not.


I wonder if I'm ready...I wonder if THEY'RE ready...

This'll be one hell of a trip.



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