"Now, It's personal...Keep it Professional!!!"

See, this is where things go bad...

If you go on a assignment and you have personal commitments, you should ask yourself, "Can you deal with delays and the possibility of breaking your previoous personal commitments?"...IF you can't DO NOT put yourself on the line for the job!

We were told we'd be here for 3 weeks, but things got off on a slow start so we're here a lil longer than we should be.

The 3 ladies I'm working with all had other things to directly after this assignment...One was going back home to Africa in August...the motormouth was going BACK down to florida to Orlando on the 4th of July weekend...AND the Mother Hen had to be back in New Jersey for her son's graduation on the 26th.

After resting all day sunday, we start the 3rd week...I would say 2/3rds through this project...we still got a few more file cabinet drawers FULL of files to do.

It's starts to sink in to the Mother Hen that we won't make it in time...SO, she starts BITCHIN!!!

She's making calls to Secacus all shook and everything and starts looking into going back herself on friday. Aparently, the powers that be took things into consideration and gave their word that she'd be back in time.

BUT, this is the JOB here...they're not gonna throw away money on a special trip for her...they want to send us ALL back AT THE SAME TIME!

SO, now the bitchin' REALLY starts...

Mother Hen politely asks me to work a couple of hours OT today to step things up a bit.

I understand where she was comin' from so I agree.

THEN we all go to lunch...

Mother Hen talks to The Team Leader from Senegal about how we doing...and everything sounds cool till Mother Hen says...

"The only thing holding us back is Scanning."

THAT's when things got personal...

If there's one thing YOU DON'T DO is call me SLOW...

Now, Mother Hen is new to our team...I've done other assignments with Miss Senegal and the PR Motormouth, so they know me and how I take things to heart...The tense look on their faces as I slowly put my attention to Mother Hen said it all...

"MAYBE they should have sent TWO scanning machines..." I snarled "...If things are not up to YOUR speed."

Then she went on the defensive, talking about "It's not Like That" and "Why you taking it like that" and "Everything I say is taken wrong..." so it ended quietly with the both of us not talking...

Now, this chick is my damn ROOM-MATE, so how awrkward is THAT?!?!

Where does she get off...

Look, I might sound cold and heartless be We're on a JOB here...we're representing our company, we're were sent down here to do something and we have to see it through!

If her son's graduation so damn important, she should have NEVER came down with us in the first place!

WHO the fuck is she to put her personal Bullshit ahead of the job!?!?!

I was so pissed.

I did the overtime silently, but don't plan to do it for the rest of the week.

and back at the hotel, it's "David & Maddy" (TV's Moonlighting)...seperate rooms, nobody talking!

I hope she does go back friday...I'll have the place to myself!

Hell, they don't send back to New Jersey, I'll pay for damn ticket myself!

Just to get the bi*ch out of my hair!

Ya'll may think I'm wrong, but I'ma soldier, I'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get the job done!



  • At 6:44 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Nah, thak god we have seprate Bathrooms...SHE got a Bathtub, thou...I got a shower!


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