
Recieved a UPS from IKON today. Standard paperwork bullshit. The formal Offer Letter detailing the position, salary and start date...IF i choose to accept it.

I just kept staring at the line...

"Your initial compensatition will be at a rate of 9.00 per hour bi-weekly (26 pay periods per year annualized to 18,720.00."

I know I'm better than this, so why do I feel so desperate enough that I should take it and be thankfull?

18,720 a year, BI-weekly comes to 720.00 every check. Minus taxes and shit, my net will probably be around 660.00...EVERY two weeks.

How do they expect anyone to LIVE making that kind of money?

I'm pay mom 400-500 for rent while mom puts in the rest, we live in a two bedroom apartment that would normally go for 1400-1600 for any new tenant but we're barelt making the 1089.00 rent between the two of us...then 103.00 for cable and broadband that I'm paying, plus 2 credit cards that HAD zero balances but are now lurking around to be a factor for a few months.

and what about food?, laundry, and carfare...can I really do this, OR should I pass and find something else.

IKON is a big company, and it stable work...IPS may not call for awhile and when they do, mom doesn't want me leaving Indy to go to OHIO for at least 5 months...

I can SO hear Laurence Fishburn's voice echoing in my head...

"You're better than this...DON'T think you are, KNOW you are..."

This decision is going to effect things in my life the next couple of years...take the job, apply for afforable house (I'd damn sure qualify!) and move out just when mom's ready to go to her senior citizen place she's been fantazining about...

If I work hard enough and prove myself, maybe I'll get a raise in time, but if I go in there and the others say they've been there for years without a raise?

Well, there are overtime opportunites, so maybe It won't be as bad. I'm expected to report to them next wednesday, July 26th...so a four day/three day schedule would have me working WED, THUR, FRI, SAT...while having off SUN, MON, and TUES. Unless they change it up, who knows...

MOM said sleep on and do whatever you wanna do starting tomorrow, glad to know there's no pressure.

I dunno...

I WOULD like a few extra opinions on this...what should I do, ya'll?

If you think LES should take the job, turn to page 16
If you think LES should pass and look for something else, turn to page 5



  • At 10:07 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    It's a bitch when you can't start out in the executive suite huh? I had a job one summer as a security guard. I worked Wednesdays and every weekend...nights...constantly. I made $5.00/hr.

    The company I work for now, I started out in shipping and receiving at $7.00/hr. When I received my first pay stub I was going to quit because there was no way a person could live in Toronto on that kind of money.

    Feb 2007 will be my 18th year with that same company. And yes, I'm making more than $7/hr now.

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.

    if it's not more than you make now and you're having a hard time getting by then maybe look for more. if it's the same then i say take it til you find something better. whats up with the gig from ohio? seriously, if you come here ya gotta call me.

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    yea it's a bitch. people expect you to do the work of three or more people for the pay of half of one. but getting into a company is hard enough and there are people out there who WILL work for that kind of money so that's why they offer it. if you won't take it someone will. why pay you more if someone else will work for less? it so sucks. thats what I'm scared of when i finish my degree finally. i don't want to start over at the rate i started again!! i've already had to go back every time i got a different job. granted i made more when i left but still, having to go BACK to go forward???

    i agree with kimmy,.....if it's less than what you are making now don't leave. if it's more then sure go for it. but if it's the same and you can manage to stay where you are, then stay until what you want comes along. it's not easy to get a job out there.......trust me.....


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