"Flashback!:The Answers"

Okay, I think It's been long enough since that post and everyone has guessed what they can guess...

1) There have been may versions and hosts of the classic children's TV show. ROMPER ROOM (Even a canadian version I just learned about!), but I grew up on the 1970's version with MISS LOUIS every day (When I wasn't in school) on WOR-9 (Pre-UPN) at 11am. She never called my name :(

2) The next few were all from a little known children's show on a cable network known as Nickeloden! (Which pratically RAISED me before I turned 10). Yeah, there was Electric Company, and Sesame Street, and Mister Rogers, but around that time there was something called PINWHEEL!!! Ya'll remember Pinwheel, now? You remember the DOODLEBUGS (Herbert and Lulu)?, and the two brothers PLUS and MINUS playing GOTCHA LAST! and evil mister Ebeneezer T. Squint (an Oscar the Grouch clone I'm sure), is it comming all back now? Do you remember the Theme Song?

spinning around.
Look at my pinwheel and see what I found.

where have you been?
Hello,how are you, and may I come in?



(bring it home, now!)

spinning around.
Look at my pinwheel and see what I found.

breezy and bright.
Spin me good morning,spin me good night.


I heard Nickeloden was actually CALLED the Pinwheel Channel before they changed the name, how cool is that!

3) The science guy that probably inspired Cosmo Kramer's hairdo had two sidekicks, including one who wore a giant rat suit...that's right BEEKMAN of Beekman's World, on CBS every saturday around noon!

4) The dude in the red jacket...TURBO TEEN, he turned into a CAR whenever he got hot, and back to a kid when he got cold! (They should do a Live Action movie about him...)

5) Now, like I said, Nickeloden raised me, I mean, sure I had saturday morning cartoons, but NICK showed cartoons during the day when there was nothing on but soap operas and Donohue. Most of their cartoons came from france so there was an certain animation style you would recognize on every show. There was THE LITTLE PRINCE, a boy who lived on an asteroid and would hitch a ride on shooting stars to earth (I always wondered how he got back home). Then there was the Boy SEBASTIAN and his big white dog, BELLE in what else? "BELLE AND SEBASTIAN" remember them? or how about ESTEBAN, ZIA and TAO in "THE MYSTERIOUS CITIES OF GOLD" their theme song was so cool.

6) Pinwheel wasn't the only Children's show with puppets, there was also a cool show that took place in a Department Store, with a mannequin that would come to life when the store closed at night...it was called "TODAY'S SPECIAL".

Coming up on the halfway point, I moved on to Saturday Mornings and After school shows as a teenager...

7) I cannot believe no one couldn't remember the "SHIRT TALES"! Come on! They lived in the tree, and they were like super agents, they communicated through words on their shirts...The Tiger was so fast he could outrun his own stripes, the mole was so shy and timid. They were the coolest, and their names were: RICK, TYG, DIGGER, PAM, KIP, and BOGEY.

8) We've seen a lot of cowboys (Animated and otherwise), but none of them had the STRENGH of THE BEAR (echo), or SPEED of THE PUMA (echo), EYES of THE HAWK (echo), and EARS of THE WOLF (echo). That's what made Marshal BRAVESTARR and his partner 30/30 the coolest duo in New Texas (in the future).

9) Speaking of cowboys in the future, who could forget BHODI LI and the "Laser Tag" copy cat PHOTON! I remeber I couldn't AFFORD LASER TAG so I brought PHOTON instead, I was the only kid on my block that had it, too, man...that sucked, but I remember the TV show...it was much better than that Laser Tag cartoon they had...

10) Now when it came to dogs, everyone remembers the big 3, SCOOBY, HONG-KONG PHOOEY, and maybe DYNOMUTT or UNDERDOG, can't remember, but there was one dog that had a little more SOUL than PHOOEY, that was FOOFUR. He was cool cause he inherited his owner's mansion and shared it with his friends from the pound...he always knew to do the right thing, that big BLUE hound dog.

The last three were from "Final" childhood years (although some like to keep on living in their childhood as an adult...)

11) Going to school, my best subjects was Reading, English and Social Studies, but if there was one thing I hated, it was MATH. I still hate it today! Algerbra, Calculus and Geometry those big three I hate with a passion (Geomerty is sorta cool, thou). SO there was a show my MOM FORCED me to watch after school..."SQUARE ONE". the show had some cool moments with sapy sing-alongs and skits to make math seem FUN, but I zoned it out whenever I could. The few things that stayed with me was their take on PAC-MAN, lamely coined "MATH-MAN"...remember him? He always had to eat certain numbers of equations, he'd go all around the board saying "MathMan, MathMan, MathMan..." and if he ate the wrong thing, the evil MISTER GLICH would eat him.

12) Then there was 10 minute drama at the end of each show, with police detectives using MATH to solve crimes, Detective KATE MONDAY and GEORGE FRANKLEY of...MATHNET, Dunnnnn, Dun Dun DUN, Dunnnnn Dun Dun Dun DUNNNNNN!

and Last but not least, this little dot-thingy feels like it was just around yesterday! Surely you haven't forgotten about the the cyber-mystery solving entity know as GHOSTWRITER!!!! It's all coming back now, right?

There ya go! I wanted to do more from Nickeloden, like Bannaman, Count Duckula, and PICTURE PAGES, I wanted to do that one so bad, I couldn't find a good picture with Bill Cosby, I also wanted to do Centurions, C.O.P.S., and MASK(Mobile Armored Strike Kommand), and the GO-BOTS, Captain N, Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda (Ex-CUUUUUUSE ME, Princess!), Heathcliff, Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego both the Cartoon and the So-Called Game show, Pound Puppies, The Get Along Gang, you know the ones that NO one remembers go back, man...remember how cool it was when The Jetsons met the Flintstones, or when they did that cartoon with ALL the cartoon characters to help kids say NO to drugs...that was cool. The theme songs were the best...one of my favorites was "ALF" the cartoon, It had those 3 cats singing...damn I wish I could find those lyrics.

There's this killer website that lets you know about stuff from back in the day, they even have the into saved in a wma file you can see on the site, check it out...


Not just TV cartoons either, sitcoms and even commercials!



  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I still don't recognize any of this.

    I'm not that old I swear.

  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    I recognize Beekman and that big white dog now. The other stuff is completely foreign.


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