"...Know when to walk away, Know when to Run..."

Yeah, so I've come to a decision about IKON...

Thanks, but no thanks.

I'm not working no sweatshop conditions for a measly 9.00 per hour!, "F**k that, son!" (In Dave Chappelle tone).

Dear ol' IPS will call me back for something...or I can find something else, BETTER!

So we put that ugliness behind us and move on...

MOM pestered me into going over to Psycho Sis's house today to help her fix her TV hookup.

Apparently she did something 3 weeks ago and her cable's been out ever since (Lord knows in Heaven if said event was anything LEGAL).

You'd think she'd be enjoying these past weeks with my niece down south by staying at home and keeping quiet, but knowing her she's having parties every other night while still doing that Parks job whenever she can...

At 5:00pm MOM packed up a heafty "CARE" package of Paper Towels and toilet paper, as well as a whole BUNCH of other stuff to carry along to lil' miss thang's place.

Psycho Sis's ghetto fabulous lifestyle must be spreading to MOM as she decided to take a cab over and deal with the bus coming back.

When we finally got there (after hiking up 4 flights of steps) we helped ourselves to the one thing my sister's got going for her...Air Conditioning! It's been so damn hot and humid with these storms the last few days!

I get to work on the TV, which is barely being supported by a "Built it yourself" Entertainment Centter, surrounding her "Ever-so-important" stereo system.

"I can only hear the TV, there's no picture!" she told MOM 3 weeks ago, she though about calling the cable people but they told her a visit would cost her over $100, so that's when they called me in.

I figured she had the audio hooked up to her stereo speakers (Ghetto-Surround Sound) and one of the wires connecting directly to the TV itself probably came out. So tilting the TV to side in the center "cubbyhole" of the fragile "Home Depot Reject" of a shelf...I work my way through the maze of wires.

MOM's busy playing cutesy face with Psycho's Sis's latest kitten of the house (I say latest cuz she's had three cats who have been mistreated and ran off by my niece in the past 5 years.). The charcoal lil scamp made MOM's SUMO cat, PEANUT look like a, a...what's bigger than a SUMO?, well you get the drift.

The MISTRESS of the Manor was still not home, not due from work till 7:30pm. The back of the TV was something out of a jungle, wires everywhere, it was a wonder anything worked before this happened! My knees were working me, so I had to take a break. MOM took this time to order Dominoes for a grand feast in honor of the lil princess...

I gave it another go, I started pulling wires out everywhere so I can trace when they belong too, the TV holder started to shift a bit like the tower of pisa. The only thing holding that monstrosity up is all the crap it's filled with. Bootleg DVD's, VHS tapes, and CD Cases, at the very top was two shrines dedicated to our cousin who met an umtimely death at the hands of an abusive boyfriend, AND psycho's sis's "Future" husband, Jay-Z...

"If that damn thing collapes..." MOM whispered. "Don't worry...I know what I'm Doin'" I replied.

I reconnect some wires like a 1940's Ma-Belle phone operator working a switchboard, and a breakthrough happens...The cable box menu comes into focus and reprograms itself to get the stations up. After 10 minutes of waiting, the attempt failed, so I switched two other wires and tried again, 5 minutes later, we were looking at BET once again...job well done.

I help myself to some pizza and then channel surf her VAST list of stations (We still haven't swtiched to digital so i'm not used to over 75 channels. let alone 625!). I catch the tail end of "Episode III" on HBO as Sister Cementhead finally comes home. Seeing her in that uniform still freaks me out because I'm still not 100% sure WHAT the hell she supposely does for a living. She's like a Park Cop, she can ticket people that act up in the parks around the city, "Enviromental Conservation Enforcement Agent"? what the hell is that?

This my first time seeing since I've been back from Miami so I give her the ashtray I brought her and one of the shirts I brought. We look at Star Wars while she tells MOM about work and other crap driving her crazy, then she looks at my handy work on the entertainment center...

"You better put some of those wires back behind where I can't see them, I don't my TV looking all tacky with them sticking out like that..."

"You're lucky you got a picture, you ungreatful lil gnat!" I yelled.

"Look at my thing, it's crooked!"

"Ah, fix it when we leave, just don't touch the wires, I'm not comming back if it goes out again..."

"C'mon, I try to keep this area nice!"

"Fine!, I'll make it nice with NO picture again and you pay somebody 200 dollars to mess it up!"

It went back and forth like that for awhile...

We can't stay at peace for no longer than 20 minutes in each other's presence...

Then she tried playing a DVD and nothing happened, must of forgotten to keep that in "The Loop" (Between Cable Anntenna, the box and TV) SO I did some other rewiring. I was able to get the cable working without the DVD or the DVD without the cable...10 more minutes of figuring out and had managed to fix everything (don't ask me how, I jus did!).

At 9:15, we left for our bus ride home and got there by 10, I worked on some of my TV Show DVD's and then went to bed.



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