"This one's 4 the Fam"

Got a call this week from my Cousin. No, not the one in Virginia likes MOBY as much as I do, her sister, my other cousin, who still lives in the city but has been a bit of a recluse. She visits like once every 3 or 4 years around christmas or thanksgiving.

She has an old PC that's busted and wonders if I can fix it. I get this all the time, normally the darn thing is fried and needs to be restored from scratch, but apparently theres some old data on the hard drive she's trying to save. She came over today to drop off the tower, keyboard and the mouse, along with any manuals and CD's she had related to system restoration. The old bucket of bolts still has Windows 98 as an operating system, hopefully I can fix it with some of the stuff I got lying around.

We caught up on things and MOM walked her back to the car.

I wish I had JOE around to back me on this...If I can't it software-wise, JOE's the only one I'd trust to open 'er up and tinker inside.

Nothing much happening but that, this weekend I have the place to myself while mom goes to Neighborhood Block Reunion-thing up in Spring Valley...I wanna see "Miami Vice" but I'm starting to feel it in the expenses department after paying some bills.

I'll probably just stay home, listen and download music while buring new TV shows on DVD's...this is the life.



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