Hits and Misses

Just some stuff to throw on the wall at ya...

*Temp Agencies SUCK! They're toying with me like a dead mouse on a string. I have been getting so many "Are you intrested in...?" calls for SWEET positions with NO follow ups! Examples....

1) Document Scanning for a Law Firm, TEMP assignment for over 6 month
12.00 an hour with hours 10am-7pm

2) Bank of New York (Joe's Job!) is looking for Data Entry Clerks to
work part-time with various shifts (9pm-2am, 10pm-3am, or 11pm-4am)

3) Medical Records Clerk position somewhere in Upper Manhattan,
Light Computer work, but lots of Record Keeping Duties, Hours
4pm-Midnight, Salary 30k (30,000 a year...The most I've ever SEEN!)

I actually got an interview with Bank of New York finally, I'm going tomorrow. And if that don't beat all...I got a call from Secacus! The OHIO project is about to start, BUT they don't need me over there, yet. Instead, they're asking if I would be willing to go to, Get this...WASHINGTON DC! It would be for at least a month and I would have to go soon (in a couple of weeks?)...DC, I hear it's just as much a hood as up here, ha! I'd feel right at home!

But seriously, those 2nd shift hours would be SWEET, I've been staying up late and dozing during the day as it is...

* I got my ticket to see MOBY at Central Park!!! It's gonna be GREAT!

* After my JOB interview, I'm goin over to the seaport to finally see that BODIES exhibit.

* Yo, HOW great have these first 3 episodes of WEEDS been so far?!?!?

* Man, I hope SPIKE renews BLADE for another season.

* The MTV Music Video Awards suck this year! Remember last year? "Feel Good, Inc." by the Gorillaz, Missy telling everyone to "LOSE CONTROL!", the Ying Yang Twins talking about seeing their Dick, and even "Helena" by that damn Chemical group. All we had this year is "Dani Californa", and hysterical efforts by Paris Hilton and Kevin "Call me K-FED, Damnit" Federline, where's the damn music, man?

*I have a NEW MP3 Player!, yes, i'm retiring the ol' RIO CALI (She will be revered and remembered...) for MORE power, more storage!, and tiny, physical appearence.

*There's a new Sudoku game for the PSP hosted by Carol Vorderman (Whoever she is...) I'm still on a fix for number as well as crossword puzzles with new PSP games that I ACTUALLY Brought instead of downloaded. I have to look for the European version of "GO SUDOKU" due to the fact that the American version was fucked up by UBISOFT. Those bastards messed up the game with a glitch and have refused to fix it causing people to waste their money! I'm boycotting UBISOFT and all their games for here on...

Well, that about wraps things up for what's goin on in my world, have a nice safe Labor Day holiday, ya'll...DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUSTANCES DRINK AND DRIVE!!...leave it to hollywood to GLORIFY alcahol consuption with a stupid-ass movie called "BEERFEST".

I'm out!



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