"It's coming...can you feel it, Brotha?"

Okay, that was a bad impersonation of Desmond. BUT LOST IS COMING, damnit! Let the hype and specluation begin!...BUT FIRST, a couple announcements from ABC...

1)No repeats! ABC is putting the show on a VERY tight schedule with a HUGE gap a quarter into the season. Meaning, First 6 Episodes Straight Thru, then POOF the show disappears for 13 WEEEKS (To give a midseason replacement a shot...) then comes back for 17 STRAIGHT episodes from March to May. They say that, but you know they'll sneak some episodes on a few Saturdays so people can catch up, it just suck we have to go 3 months (November-January) with NOTHING! Damn that sucks.

2)The first 3 episodes with Deal with Jack, Kate and Sawyer being prisoners of The Others, don't expect anything about the hatch being blown, Eko, Locke or Even Desmond and those people in the North (or was it the South) Pole that are supposely looking for him.

Now, with this keen image courtesy of FIRE5, lets see what we can see...

Hmmmm, no Michael and Walt, eh? Five bucks says we never see them again, OR they finally come back with the calvary on the SERIES FINALE around 5 years from now...

Rumors have it they're be a lot of new faces popping up, eye candy for the guys and ladies...

More coinecidences between Sawyer and Jack's Dad will be revealed...

Sun will have a dream about her "9 Year Old Daughter"? Futuristic!

We'll also find out how Locke ends up in the Wheelchair (Hopefully it wasn't because of a battle with the Shadow King...heh, heh, that's some X-Men humor there...)

The Smoke Monster will be Back as well as the Polar Bear (What about Kate's Horse?)


The hatch may have IMPLODED or whatever, but they're saying there's another one...UNDERWATER!! COOOOOOL!



  • At 9:05 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    i'm all excited but this is a first about the break in the season. that totally sucks.

    i'm glad they wont be airing reruns-those were getting out of hand.

    thanks for the update. i didnt know you watched it faithfully. or if i did, i forgot.

  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    When you look at that photo with the faces, is it just me or do half of them all have the same colour eyes?



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