
The latest Quiz I stole from some other blog, why?, Cuz I like talking about myself...

1) if you could have dinner with any three people (except Mohammed, Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi) then who would they be? (don't say Mother Teresa either)

Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, and Michael Mann

1a) what would you eat? I'd have an order of French Fries
1b) what restaurant would it be? The restaruant they had scene in the movie "HEAT".

2) if you could force everyone in the world to read one book (except for the Quran or the Bible) what would it be?

"Devil in a Blue Dress" by Walter Mosley.

3) is there a tv show you'd cancel dinner with your best friend for if you knew that a new episode was going to be airing once only? what is it?

LOST, no doubt.

4) if someone told you that you could only have one hobby/favorite pass time for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

Reading, I couldn't live my life without books.

5) which song is on the soundtrack of your life?

I wanna know what Love Is (Foreigner)
Smile (Tamia) VERY DEEP song.
Asshole (Dennis Leary) I couldn't resist
Joga (Bjork)

6) how old were you when you had your first crush? who was it?

13. Opal Robinson, my babysitter's granddaughter. Ya'll know the story, ran away from home at 14, never saw her again...would be terrified it I saw her now.

7) if you could read the thoughts of any one person, who would it be?

My sister, so I could really know what the FUCK is wrong with her!

8) if you could block your thoughts from only one person, who would it be?

My mom, she doesn't need to know how FUCKED up I AM!

9) if you could choose between life on earth forever or going to heaven, which would you choose?

Life on Earth, even though I miss everyone I've lost so far, I'm still afraid to die.

10) when you die, what will your contribution to the world be?

Hopefully, a memorial Television Series.



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