"God is in the Rain..."

September 1st, 2006 I had THE WORST job interview possible at the Bank of New York.

The application was VERY confusing, when putting down my Temp Assignments from IPS I completely blanked on the exact address of the UN Building and could not spell Deutsche Bank. It was totally a disaster.

While I explained myself to my interviewer who then sorted my employment history out to understand it better, I was still led down to the Department where the position would be and shown around the office. The supervisor in question explained what he was looking for and the requirements of the job and I went on my merry little way NEVER expected to hear from them again.

On the way home in defeat I came across an eccentric woman with her leg in a brace. She was rambling aloud about the MTA raising the fare from 2.00 to 2.50 soon. She then looked at me as I was dressed up for the interview and wearing a sweater vest...

"Do YOU work for the MTA?" she asked me in a crowded elevator to the outside sidewalk...

"NO." I barked at her. (Some of the MTA employees DO wear those type of vests). There was a light laughter from everyone else as the weird lady twitched at my strong, yet exasperated response.

She then continued her rant and then focused her attention back to me in which the elevator ride suddenly felt WAY too long.

She mentioned something about why I was dressed so nicely in which I replied.

"I Just came back from a Job Interview." Exasperated again.

Finally the doors open and she proceeded to follow me...

"Judging by that tone, I take it it didn't go to well."

"WHY THE HELL was this woman bothering me?" I thought.

As we poured out to the sidewalk she paused and looked around...

"Which way is Broadway?" she asked no one in particular.

I pointed down the block (The direction I was walking) "Down this way." I said and she turned around and followed me. Part of me wanted to walk fast, but I couldn't help limping home still thinking about the interview from hell...

All the sudden she starts telling me her life story and junk. She's up here to see some lawyer on 174th and Broadway about some disability case, then she says...

"I think you did well on that interview..."

"I seriously Doubt It." was my reply.

"Nope, I think you're going to get that job, just think positive."

We got to the corner and I pointed west, "174th is down that way."

She thanked me and said, "When you get that job, you take me out to Dinner, okay?"

I gave her a faint smile and nod and went the opposite way towards home, dismissing the old coot out of my mind and geting ready for the Labor Day weekend.


I'm taking MOM's sumo cat, Peanut to be GROOMED. I dropped him off at the pet salon at 10:30, and I had to pick him up at 2. At 1:54pm, I get the call...

...I GOT THE JOB!!!!

I couldn't believe it.

I thought of that Line in "V for Vendetta" after being tourtured and made fearless, an awe-struck Evey (Natalite Portman) looks out to London as it begins to rain...

"God is in the Rain."

In my darkest hour, with all hope lost, a small ray of sunshine finally...

I start the 19th (Oy, I'll have to WORK on my birthday!). I'll hit ya with the rest of the details, later...part of me feels I have to find that crazy old woman, and take her out to dinner!



  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Yeahhh Jet!!!

    Congrats on the job. So now what does this mean? Is this a permanent job or a temp job? Either way, it'll get your ass out of the house. What's the hours? Nights like you wanted?

    Congrats! Kind of sad though that complete strangers [the old lady and me] have faith in ya when you don't.

  • At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Avoid her like the plague.



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