After my first NIGHT at work, I came home 4:30am and saw the "GUESTS" packing for a 7am Train ride back home. They entertained a few ideas of staying longer but gasp of concern from MOM made them change their mind. Besides, the cats were driving their allergies crazy. I stayed up the morning and surfed a bit online, watched some morning news till the sun came up.

I figured my routine would be this...

Go to bed around 12 noon or 2pm, tops...wake up at 7:30 at night, head out around 8:30 or 9pm.

A little weird, but I'll get used to it. Eating dinner in the morning, breakfast at night...it might be kinda cool.

The only thing would be TV, I'd have to tape and download various shows.

BUT, I just learned networks are getting back at downloaders by offering show online from their own websites!

ABC, CBS, and NBC (Not FOX, just their old show, so far...)

SO maybe I can still watch "Grey's Anatomy" online while Taping CSI...

Fast forward to after work, tuesday morning...I'm watching the first episode of "Heroes" that was on NBC at 9pm


I am SO downloading it so I can look at it a few more times...it is my latest Guilty Pleasure!

This show is SO out there!

To be honest, I know it won't have an ideal audience. We're starting to get used to sci-fi type shows (Supernatural, LOST, Battlestar Galatitca...) but knowing NBC, they'll pull the plug if the show doesn't draw millions of viewers away from "24" when it comes back. "Surface" couldn't do it. But after just ONE EPISODE, I am HOOKED (Maybe the Sci-Fi Network will the pick it up if NBC cancels it.).

The storylines, the characters, the intrigue. As weird as a Japanese nerd Teleporting...or a popular, self-loathing cheerleader who can heal faster than WOLVERINE...or two brothers that can somehow...FLY? It seems far-fetch, but 3 years ago who believed in an island with polar bears and smoke monsters with hatches and "Others". We've seen crazy stuff on X-Files and Alias, lets go on a lil faith here. Lot of characters, lots of powers...even a spooky Government villain investigating things, "HEROES" promises to inspire and entertain...

check it out!



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