"Like Music wasn't Dirty back in her day!"

"How come every time you come around
My London London Bridge wanna go down
Like London London London
Wanna go down like
London London London
Be going down like"

Fergie sitting on top of the world, ain't she?

I'm watching VH1 the other day and her video comes on and MOM comes over...

"What does she mean by that?"

"By What, MOM?"

"Her London Bridge wanna go Down?" What does that mean?"

"I dunno, it probably means she wants to go down on her man when he's around..."

"*GASP* How could she be talking about THAT!?!?! Little girls are gonna be singing that!"

"Ma, it's just a guess, geez"

"I just don't understand music these days, there's a hidden message in everything!"

"MOM you said the same thing when you found out "Gimme the Light" was about smoking weed!"

"Yes, now I can never enjoy that song like I used to, THANKS alot!"

"YOUR music back in the day was jus as vague about sex as OURS is today..."

"Name ONE example...."

"Jeffery Osborne, "You Should be Mine"..."Can I WOO WOO WOO!, Can I WOO WOO WOO!...What in the world is THAT!?!??!"

She walks away...

(mumbling) "I'll woo, woo, woo in your head..."



  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    LMAO! Your momma cracks me up!

    Is that what FERGIE is talkin' bout? I always thought she was talkin' about her panties. I don't know...I still can't remember all the words...

  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Oh yeah, how was work?

  • At 11:49 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Work was fine, you can find out more at The Chronicles of Wabbit


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