"New shows..."

How deep was tonight episode of "House"? It reminded me on how my grandfather died. Same thing, about his lungs and liquid developing in them constricting his breathing. That last scene with Cameron and House in the chapel was deep, too. Last night I saw the Premiere of CSI:Miami, and witnessed more proof that David Caruso if so full of himself, but he's SO damn cool so it's acceptable.

Umpteen helicopter shots of him at the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, walking around HOT ass Brazil in a BLACK SUIT, I swear the ego of that man...but he's just so freakin' COOL! Despite CSI in Rio, I WAS clicking back and forth to NBC checking out "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" (Did I get that name right?). I seems to have a nice premise and is loaded with stars (I especially LOVE Amanda Peet!). I think I may download it so I can see it completely.

I tried to get back into "The Unit" (which I'd swear to watch if picked up for the fall...) and get into CBS's "SMITH" but I was a bit distracted helping MOM with some Photo CD's she got from her Block Party Reunion this past summer. They came in a nice package from Wallgreens and she needed me to show her how to look at them on her computer and her DVD player (YAWN!)

I was SO pissed I missed the first episode of Survivor last Thursday, CBS should line up the premiers all in the same WEEK!

And last, I have to say my good byes to "Greys Anatomy", I hate giving up a favorite show due to a slot change, but nothing's gonna take me away from CSI. I remember when I stopped watching The West Wing for awhile...I caught up thanks to syndication on Bravo, but part of me missed being the loyal viewer...

I'm also a bit conflicted AFTER CSI on Thursday at 10pm...I wanna check out James Woods be a Bad Ass/Turned Do-Gooder in "Shark", but I'll be checking out "Six Degrees" first...I like the premise, it's like "Crash" the TV Drama...multi storylines connected in some way, I hope it works.

Later on in October, LOST returns and I wanna check out "The 9" but it's gonna mess with CSI:NY, but I can always catch the repeats in the summer.

Over on CABLE, "Blade" seem to be SPIKE's latest hit, with the first season almost done, I'm sure it'll be back, WEEDS seems get funnier and funnier every episode, and I'm trying to get back into "The Wire" on HBO. I'm waiting for crude cartoons "Drawn Together" and "Trippin the Rift" to return, and soon "The Boondocks" will be back on The Cartoon Network (Maybe I should get an official cable box and chuck my illegal box so I can see it clearly...hmmm, NAH!)

As ya'll can tell, I spend too much time thinkin about TV, what can I say? Imma Couch Potato!




  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I've never watched CSI. I don't get the hype behind it.

    Give up Grey's? You gotta be kidding me.

    6 Degrees looks good too. I'm on the fence with Brothers 'n Sisters.


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