"The one where Les turns 31..."

I have a scary feeling I'm sorta getting hooked on FRIENDS in syndication on TBS...

I couldn't think of any other segue title for this year's Birthday Post...I think last years "To Les on his 30th Birthday" from the movie "To Gillian..." will always be the best one, although this one is kinda cute...(FOR those NON-Friends people out there, EVERY episode was had a "The One when..." kinda title that described the plot...)

MY ORIGINAL post was going to be a YouTube clip of Lisa Simpson singing "Happy Birthday" alone to herself in the kitchen and at the end of the song she starts to sob because everybody was caught up in the "White Guy thinking He's Michael Jackson"-thing. Well, Lisa wasn't completely alone, Maggie (the baby) blew a noisemaker at the end of the song.

It's kinda how I feel every birthday since oh, I don't know...THE ONE I GOT DUMPED!!!

I can't believe YouTube didn't have the clip...

ah well,

THE FAM in TRUE form has decided on other things to do TODAY AND THIS WEEKEND...my celebration plans will have to wait till next weekend, I guess...

I DID GET A NICE SURPRISE this morning when I came home from work...check The Chronicles of Wabbit for the details...

Well, it's here...31, whoop, whoop...PEACE!



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