"T-Minus 24 hours till MOBY!!!"

Wow, SURVIVOR was so COOL tonight! I am HOOKED once again, and I swear to GOD if the Black tribe lose and get rid of their last guy...I'm rooting for the ASIANS!!! Three Black-Men-Hatin' Black Chicks DO NOT deserved to win this...

Talk about "Waiting to Exhale"-like MALE BASHING!, geez!

I felt sorry for the Hispanic Tribe...BIG MAN not balancing on the rope and all got him Voted Off, such a shame.

I FOUGHT every impulse to see even a second of Grey's Anatomy while seeing CSI, a show that good (Grey's, I mean...) you have to go COLD TURKEY. AS for CSI, something tells me this premier was originally a two-hour episode, the ending left you hanging as asking SO many questions.

Then I checked out "Six Degrees". I had no idea it's another J.J. ABRAMS uber-creation. It's almost like LOST and the The Island is MANHATTAN (Ha, ya'll forgot about that, didja?). I LOVE Erika Christensen!!! Her Apple Round face makes me melt. The show has potential, but it COULD get confusing and out of control very easily.

In other news...

I TURN 31 NEXT WEEK!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH.....I'm so scared, dude!




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