"Where once was one, now let there be TWO!!!"

Believe it or not there has been (or are...) 428 posts created, and posted or drafted for this Blog. And now, so much time later, I actually feel there needs to be MORE!

With that said, I introduce to you...

The Chronicles of Wabbit

This blog will reveal a personal side of me that I sometimes think clogs up the opinions and misadventures I'm currently going through now.

I plan to reveal a lot from the past as well as my progress in my new job.

It's just some stuff I want off my chest that maybe you "Lifetime/Oxygen" types might be into (If you're out there...)

So, here's an example of what to expect from each blog...

Wasting time with Jet

*I've rejoined Yahoo! Personals
*Social Gatherings with The Lunch Club
*Opinions on TV, Music and Movies
*The Cool things about working at night and sleeping all day

The Chronicles of Wabbit (Jeez, that is SUCH a cool title!)

*My Daddy Issues and the Lie that is my Birth Certificate
*My Relationships (Opal, Deidre, and My-Ex)
*Other Job Folktales (The Library, Chase, HealthFirst)
*The issues on how MOM ruined my life, why I resent my niece being born, and my Sister becoming a Lesbian now(?) all of the sudden.

Okay, so that's it in a nutshell, the first post on how my day went is up, the template is VERY new so forgive how weird it looks.




  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Your sister is a lesbian now?

  • At 9:07 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Apparently...I think it's a crock, but MOM thinks piss landing on her head is rain...

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    Ain't nothin wrong with rug munchers!


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